Does Hillary have a chance?

^I bet it bothers you that witch hunt only makes her look more presidential.

Dude, this girl is more annoying than the “I’m with her” crowd. Anybody that’s fervent for or against a candidate is an idiot and anybody that spends six minutes bagging on somebody else’s intelligence is hiding something themselves.

The best thing you can do is know where the laws are going and try to bend them or arbitrage them to your will. I made good money shorting oil and buying healthcare in the last eight years and I’m looking at getting back in Fannie and Freddie if Clinton wins and shorting the Peso if Trump does.

I’m still impressed at how much the media is in the pocket of the dems and hillary. No one bothers to really dig deep into the Clinton foundation’s very suspect donations on tens of millions, the 3 books now of very close secret service agents who worked 24/7 for the Clintons, the huge abnormal sums they were paid and the sudden good fortunes of corporates, the “oh yea” the email thing was just an honest mistake despite fbi granting immunity, a Russian hacker about to spill the beans, and wiki/Russian govt saying they have full proof evidence to take down hillary and prove her guilt and lies. All the media reports is “oh my god, Trump lost his campaign manager, the wheels must be falling off! Trump was sued! GOP trying anything to replace trump!” W.t.f.

^ If GOP nominated anyone but Trump, there would be more talk about the Clintons because there would be nothing else to talk about. Trump finds a way to steal the spotlight with his actions and words.

Polls said it best; Kaisich and Rubio would have destroyed Clinton in a general.

Republicans just don’t seem to have pragmatism this generation. Seems to be a lot of “If I like him he’s a great candidate and will win.” Not a lot of thinking if everybody else likes him or her.

^ see, I don’t have a problem with that. Just like I’m sure there are lots of women that will vote hillary because she’s a female and ignore the very troubling baggage she comes with. The avg voter isn’t an uber intelligent person. Clinton and Trump both have higher disapproval scores than approval, so it really is an election of “the lesser evil”

this is quite odd for me, i’m not a US citizen but i’ve been living in the US for the past 3 years (studying) and every american i know hates both candidates, my question is, how did they end up as the two final presedential candidates?

The biggest trivial question is how the f*** does the Kardashian show make so many millions if every single living organism seems to hate them?

Hypocrites. People are hypocrites.

People just love hating on politicians the world over. It’s a way to vent your frustrations with life. Substitute Cruz and Sanders (or whoever) for Trump and Clinton and they would be getting just as much abuse.

Participation rates in the primaries are very low, allowing fringe groups in each party to nominate generally crappy candidates. It’s more pronounced in the repulican party right now, hence Trump winning, but the democratic race was effectively fixed before it even began when the vast majority of super delegates endorsed HRC.

Given that HRC’s behavior resulted in a FBI investigation. The FBI has no choice. Secure information ended up in unsecured places. Shouldn’t HRC reimburse the costs associated with the investigation caused by her “mistake,” using her words. And her behavior has starved other investigations of resources. Do HRC supporters at least require an apology?

^ HRC supporters don’t care. They are irrational zealots just like Trump supporters.

^Who are those that don’t practice zealotry supporting?

I can only speak for myself, but I"m a life-long republican who will likely be voting for Gary Johnson. I need to see his townhall on CNN before I decide for sure though. If I don’t like what I hear, not sure who I’ll vote for. It won’t be Trump or HRC though.

They’ll probably do the same thing they always do–pick the best candidate between the two major parties, all the while being blissfully unaware that there are other parties and candidates (like the aforementioned Gary Johnson).

I truly believe that most of the nation (at least my generation) would embrace the Libertarian platform, if they only were made aware of it.

^I’m thinking the current and pending supreme court vacancies would trump almost all other factors. Are you comfortable with Hillary 's possible selections? Trump’s?

I can’t stand the control of the two party system, and would definitely prefer a libertarian, but not voting for one of the major party candidates is not even a vote. Need someone to come along and run as an independent with huge name recognition that would take votes from both sides

i agree the milenials are ripe for consolidating into a strong voting block. whoever can best frame "repub vs dem’ as outdated, old news, left us youngins to fix the huge problems you created – that would catch on like wildfire. they’d have to be relatively young, seem cool and have zero association with either party. at 80 million strong, the milenials could control all U.S. elections.

^First the Obama phone, next the millennial house and car. Sign me up.

I get your argument that both HRC or Trump are not ideal and you want to make a point by voting for a 3rd person. But in reality, a vote for a Republican not Trump effectively supports Hillary.