Favorite Bloomberg Girls?

Absolutely. I thought he was a clown until I read this article. The man is my kind of eccentric.


It occurs to me that Tracy Alloway is the brains of the operation. Global experience, stays on topic, just the facts, no sensationalist statements. Not saying I would do her.

When she can’t get the right words out she bobs her head a lot which highlights the choppy flow of her conversation. It’s annoying but I bet she’s smok’n hot IRL.

Matt is hilarious, he get’s aggressive when needed but will cut a semi-inappriroate joke here or there which I like.

I like how Bloomberg is constantly bringing in younger, hotter, fresher. yes

They don’t just rest on yesterday, they bring in new meat, puts pressure on the old meat to dress hotter. Keep the bar high, I like that.

^ Creative destruction.

Not necessarily. I stopped watching Bloomberg the minute Margaret Brennan left.

Julia Chatterley is a narcissistic maniac constantly on the edge of emotional collapse. Kinda hot, but also kind creepy…

PA you got a thing for crazy? I find that hard to believe for a high-logic enlightened being like yourself… I guess no one is really perfect…

Umm, commenting on the craziness is not “having a thing for it”.

‘kinda hot’ does indicate you’d be down

It’s just an accurate description.