Ferguson decision at 9pm EST..

I don’t understand making this all about race in the first place. If it was a black cop/white kid or any other combo, then it wouldn’t have gotten all of this attention. To claim race as the issue is racist itself.

That argument is dead. Nobody alive now went through that, and holding onto that argument because your great great grandfather was a slave doesn’t give you any exemption to the law, or extra freedoms to commit crimes.

If you are still actively oppressed now, different story. But slavery has been dead here since 1865. get over it

In tbe US. Who cares about tiny European countries?

The worst was when our shitty President went on one of his ramblings and said that “it’s an understandable reaction”.

Sure, douche. It’s understandable to be angry that a cop shot a criminal who attacked him. Completely understandable.

But I guess this was the industry he worked in pre-President.

To be fair, the Civil Rights Act was much more recent, and while it was 50 years ago now there are still many, many people who were alive during that time and who raised their children. Prior to the Civil Rights Act several things could have pissed off blacks in many places in the US. Segregation and systematized intimidation and restriction from voting will make you a little PO’s at white people.

Obviously, this has little to do with looting.

I doubt most of these rioters could even tell you anything about segregation. Most have probably never heard of the Civil Rights Act.

Maybe (no idea), but some their parents or their grandparents grew up hating and/or afraid of white cops, for cause. That will influence somebody’s worldview. Obviously looting is dumb and not justified, but it’s not like everything is completely random here.

I disagree. In my experience, older blacks who have actually experienced segregation or the near-term after effects seem, to me, to be a rather level-headed and temperate group. It’s the young inner city blacks who subscribe to the hip hop culture and all of its related vices that are complee fuck ups.


somehow there’s a “I can do whatever I want attitude” among the younger blacks which I never understood. then people get all shocked and shaken and call for racial hate when they have a run-in with the law. jeez

I have no proof of this but news stations say a lot of protestors were not locals. they just traveled there to riot, trash the place, and steal things.

This morning they reported that at least 6 buses full of national guard had been brought in. Where were they last night? They had all the time in the world to be prepared for this announcement but it almost seemed like, by design, the demonstrators were allowed to vent their aggression.

And side bar, its now comical how selective our President is when addressing the public on a topic like this. His Community Organizer roots were turned up.

For those in the dark that need a history lesson…


I don’t agree with looting and whatever else comes with it, but some blacks in rural parts of America grew up hating whites. Same as whites growing up hating blacks. Due to jim crow laws blacks have just received the short end of the stick…period. Strippers here in NY just received 10mil for the club short-changing them over time. You don’t see any reparations for blacks because someone’s mother was denied a job due to color. Not everyone (I have a black mom, paid for my last 3 years of undergrad on my own) has the ability to rise above their surroundings and make a better living for themselves. This not only applies to blacks…plenty of asians and whites out here on the sidewalks collecting soda cans as well.

I imagine Chinatown would be some epic kung fu street fight. I saw one movie where Donnie Yen totally destroyed some fish market.

Anyway - in general, I think the government should be allowed to “tap out” in certain areas. Like, Obama should just say “ok this is too much”. Then we build a giant wall around that town and pretend they don’t exist forever.

^^^ Bringing in more police and the national guard is pointless. It will just result in more black kids being arrested by white “cops” and more accusations of excessive force. If the citizens of Ferguson want to burn down their stores, let them. If they want to loot, let them. If I were the chief of police there, I would pull my officer off the streets for the next few months and let the citizens police themselves.

As another point, you never know how certain people deal with their anger. Looting in minority neighborhoods to draw attention from authorities could be their equivalent of some white kid getting mad and shooting up his elementary, high school or movie theater.

^^Only problem is many of the looters aren’t from Ferguson, nor do the good people of Ferguson have a way to protect their homes and stores.

There’s something about looting that drives me bananas. It’s completely opportunistic and self-serving, and it harms the members of the black community that actually wanted to peacefully protest.

No, excessive force would have been nice last night. I’m fine with shooting looters on site.

I still don’t see your argument. some people are racist, and there’s nothing you can do about it. so? The law will lock up those who choose to hurt others instead of keeping it in check.

I dont think that is one of the options on the table for the Mayor or Govenor, The business owners need to be protected and people breaking the law need to be arrested without acquiescing to potential accusations of excessive force.

This reminds me of a brilliant idea of George Carlin.

Huh? Rural blacks are hardly a problem. It’s inner city blacks that are the problem. And we’re talking Missouri, here, where Jim Crow Laws were less severe than they were in Connecticut.

Edward Norton rant in the 25th hour. Brilliant!