FEU hair transplant

Coconut oil is apparently very good for your hair - I’d request the mods to merge these two neighboring threads into one, but I have to check with STL where the feedback forum is first.

^ I actually thought there was a Feedback forum.


  • attractive men (balanced, excellent features) look insanely attractive with a buzzcut (ie Darvish)
  • decent-looking men (balanced, features normal, “forgettable”) look more attractive with a buzzcut
  • non-attractive men (one or two features that detract from overall attractiveness) may become more attractive with a buzzcut (ie large nose–enhanced by buzzcut. Big ears, piggy eyes–probably not)
  • very unattractive men cannot be helped by buzzcut. However, although a buzzcut cannot enhance attractiveness, a balding ponytail certainly will exponentially increase unattractiveness.

Takeaways: if balding, shave it off. If not balding, you will bald eventually, so shave it off.


Gho is a joke.

From what i’ve read, people get severely depressed after getting off those drugs. Hey, maybe a trip down to Mexico will ‘cure’ that depression. Once a year aint that bad.

Many people want instant gratification. Which is why most of you will never get your hair back naturally.

I’m glad my dad has a full set of hair at 70.

Just cameback from an event and chatted with someone with “Snap on smile”. You can’t get more fake than that.