First thing you notice about people?

The first thing I notice is whether they have high five figures of muni interest income. If not, I provide a hacksaw. You’re safe iheart.

How they’re dressed and carry themselves always lands the impression for me. Sloppy = hacksaw

face for sure, also hate bad teeth on girls

Jamie Dimon taking a stroll, hacksaw for sure.

thos shorts look photoshopped

women come up to me all the time axx first, and then half turn their upper body to introduce themselves

+1. Dress and overall appearance.

If you’ve got tattoos all over your neck and multiple piercings on your face and a mohawk and you look like you’re dressed for a Celtic Frost concert, then…no.

@Greenie - Off-topic: Did you hear ISIS captured Tatooine? They’ve gone too far this time.

^The ability to take over a small town is insignificant, next to the powers of the Force.

Def dress, overall proportions.

It’s also what people want you to notice first. Fat ugly men don’t wear crop tops, for example. Tacky people wear flashy clothes. Leggy people wear short shorts, etc.

Are all of you saying teeth american? I always feel uneasy with people with ultra bleach manicured teeth… so fakey. But it seems like it’s normal in America.

^Stay on topic Emichan. We’ve moved on to Star Wars now.

Apparently, there is a whole extended backstory and history of the character Porkins.


Women - chest

I appreciate big b00bs as much as the next guy, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a chestically gifted chick only to be disappointed by her flat dumpy @ss (exhibit A: Kate Upton). Give me Miranda Kerr’s @ss over Kate Upton’s b00bs anyday.

Porkins was clearly the main character of Star Wars. Somebody get this guy a TV and/or a cinema.

^Believe it or not, there’s a whole extended back story on almost all of the characters–even the random ones in Jabba’s palace. George Lucas gave them all names. Then he let people write novels about them, which later became Star Wars canon. Just read Wookiepedia for the biographies of Salacious Crumb or Bib Fortuna.

Posture I am surprised none of you mentioned the way woman walks

lmao, oh you