Gym Bros - How much do you bench?

How many years have you been lifting? This is my first year. My typical working set (5-8 reps): Bench: 145 DL: 275 Squat: 225

800 would be pretty hard with a muscular physique. Think about how marathon runners all have that starving famished look.

start by trying to do 50. then 100. then 200…

take breaks obviously. I try to keep a pace of 100 + 1/2 mile run per half hour. you’ll need nutrition once you get up past 300 or so.

If I were you I’d commit to doing [pick a number that seems impossible, say 300] in one session in the next week. I guarantee you are capable, it’s just a matter of commitment.

^Still drinking bulletproof coffee ?

sure. so you gonna commit to doing it? go for 300 or 400, easy day.

I am gonna start with 100 with push-ups,

When’s the AF ‘do you lift bro’ meetup?

yea buddy! so you think you can do 100 currently which means you are capable of doing at least 200. why not ignore self limiting beliefs and do 200? doesn’t matter how long it takes, only that you complete what you set out to.

from the stats i’ve seen, i’d be afraid to meet you.

For, burpees, short sets are great for building stamina if you are a power athlete. I think either 100 for time or as many as possible in 5 minutes are good tests. If you can do 100 in around 5 minutes you are awesome.

intervals are good with burpees too. Like, 10 in 30 sec, 30 sec rest for five or ten minutes. Starts easy, gets tough.

100 burpees under 4 min:

no joke, it seems like we have quite a few people that are like minded. Lets set this up. I could host in Boston, specifically at my gym:

^^ I’m down… I’d like to take some of you AFers on in a 100 burpees race.

sealfit for the win


Has anyone used battleropes on grass ? Does it work ? I can’t find an anchor in my basement but the yard works fine with all the trees and the girl next door giving me extra motivation.

AF 20X!


never happened except for UndeadLlift

Yo Sam - did you get after some burpees or what?

Really? They pour water on themselves and then roll around in sand? Are they actually paying someone to spray them with a hose and yell at them? How is that enhancing the workout? If you want to be a billy badass then you should have tested your resolve by actually trying out to be a SEAL not making youtube videos of your hacksaw attempts to recreate their exercise regimen. Props to the former SEAL who found a way to cash in on all of these low self esteem wannabes with time and cash to burn on having someone else force motivation down their throats.

well, that’s one perspective.