Gym Bros - How much do you bench?

Yo TF, I was super busy moving to a new house and neighborhood and had to haul half of a marriages furniture out of my previous house before my ex comes back to the U.S . So carrying all that furniture counted as two workouts, especially when I had to do it all alone. I will get on it today though, thanks for keeping check.

You’re so cute with your over sharing :wink:

I guess I just do not get it. I lift 5 days a week then trail run or surf on the weekends to stay in shape because I enjoy it. From my observation most people that have to pay someone to torture them to get in shape rarely stay in shape after the “insert time period” challenge is over. Props to the few that stick with it and do become better and stronger for it. I guess I shouldn’t be hating.

205 X 6 3 sets.

I weigh 170 about 5’10, not big into body building/ strength training. I am a soccer player so stamina and quickness are important.

i find the sealfit community very motivating. I’ve been doing it for a little under 4 years and it has definitely changed my life for the better. Previously I was an athlete, then a bag of shit for 10 years, now back on the horse. Mark Divine is the real deal. his program is more of a life philosophy that goes way beyond physical fitness and is better described as human performance optimization. checkout his book Unbeatable Mind.

I haven’t done any of the paid events but plan on doing a 20X challenge and then the 50-hour kokoro camp in the next couple years. all the testimonials say they are invaluable experiences that push you well beyond your perceived limitations and have a lasting impact. lots of elite athletes have done kokoro and they all say it is the biggest challenge they’ve ever overcome and it gives them a new perspective on what they’re capable of.

I doubt anyone has the wherewithal to push their limits like that on their own.

^When are you heading to Green Team?

Thank you :slight_smile:

what break do you surf?

Also, Current stats on the three lifts that matter to me and most other power lifters

  • 405 DL 4-6 reps (with chalk and belt)
  • 365 Squat 6-8 Reps (belt)
  • 315 Bench 3-5 Reps (Barbell with spotter assisting last rep)

These stats are all on very good days mind you. I don’t go for max every time I lift but if I am feeling good and rested that day I will push the limit. I consider myself fairly strong at 175. Some of your guys’ stats are making me feel puny though

Leo Carrillo is one of my favorite spots. I like a few places in Santa Monica when its not too busy. Just long board.


Is it true if you don’t surf Black’s beach in San Diego you’re hacksaw? If true, I’d better get the blade ready. Those dudes are sick.

My workout today:

135 bench (4 sets of 10)

135 squat (4 sets of 10)

135 lat pull-down (4 sets of 10)

30 crunches

(Thank God I didn’t wear gloves or grunt. That would be bad.)

Way to go greenie. Stay away from those gloves unless you want pussy hands (guess the reference).

question: how long did that workout take you to complete?

About 30 minutes (not including the time it took to change and shower and what not).

The goal (eventually) is to work up to:

Mo - Th - Leg & Core day - Squat, DL, Lunge, and all sorts of ab work (flutter kicks, crunches, planks, etc.)

Tu - Fr - Back & Biceps, and Chest & Triceps - Bench, Incline, Lat pull-down, lateral rows, other chest & back exercises TBD.

We - Sa - Walk/jog, anywhere from 2 to 5 miles.

^I’m trying to get to the point where I’m actually active for an hour a day, because my job is 100% sedentary, and I have to intentionally try to be active. I’m not an active person by nature, and even if I were, there’s not much “activity” in West Texas for adults.

^ thats a good starting routine Greenie. I would only recommend an increase in the time commitment if your schedule can handle it. You will definitely see results if you progressively overload and make modifications to your routine every month or so to keep your muscles confused and working in different ways.

blacks is fun … only bad part is walking down that long pebble path barefoot in the summer