How many is too many?

It’s from Rita Rudner.

I’ve come across a different issue. Not how many guys shes been with but this new girl I’m seeing, I think she’s done some crazy shit in the past! I’m not 100% sure but my instincts are telling me so and it’s bothering me. She is absolutely beautiful, I give her a 10. But this shit is starting to bother me already. A girl that’s done some crazy drunken shit in the past, is that something to worry about?

I need some advice from the older more experienced gentlemen on this forum, bchad, cvm where u at?

How old are both of you? How is her relationship with family and girl friends?

I’d be careful if you are looking for a long-term thing. Gut feelings are generally correct.

cvm is a chick named rita? wow!

tjcfa? what sort of crazy stuff?'re-Dating-Is-Crazy/Psycho

Sounds like you’re not confident she’ll remain loyal? Don’t know what to tell you little cubby. You have a past, I have a past, she has a past. What’s important is your trust her. My comment earlier was women who tend to crave male attention and sleep with everyone could have deeper systemic issues. I honestly don’t care what a girl’s number is. Over time I’ve come to have a pretty good BS meter and can tell if one is being true or being a fake flake. If she’s a 10, comitted, and repsectful, I’d say be open and honest to increase the level of relationship intimacy between you. Tread carefully. And good luck.

Yes and No. the first thing to keep in mind is that people generally don’t change. If she’s always been crazy and never faithful, that could be a real issue. The problem with girls is that once their biological clock starts ticking, and they realize they’re getting to an age where looks aren’t going to get them as far as they could before, they start giving the appearance of change. Approaching or around 30. Once locked in, it’s hard to say, but I’m more of the camp that a wild girl will always keep some of that.

first she’ll marry you, pop out a few kids and then divorce your ass.

Stay away my friend. 1+1 is always tougher than 1.

I agree with CvM here. The number is unimportant as long as she’s disease-free and loyal (unless you specifically negotiate an alternative arrangement, which is fine if it works for both of you, but usually doesn’t).

If she’s done crazy stuff in the past, maybe that’s a bonus, because maybe she is going to be fun in bed and show you a few new things.

People change over time. Work, health, age, kids. If you get married and then discover you want to get divorced, it’s easy to think she was playing you all along, but maybe it’s just change. I’m very different than I was 10 years ago and probably will be more different 10 years from now. Who knows what I’ll want then. The best you can hope for is someone who values trying to weather differences because they like and respect you, and not simply because society says you’re supposed to stay until death do you part…

Here’s a thought, would you rather have a girl who has a high number but many, or most, of those experiences consist of LOMO (lights out missionary only for those who have been fortunate not to be in the presence of priviledged ct girls) or a girl who has been in a few long term relationships? For the long term relationships, let’s assume she has experienced most, if not, everything.

Thanks for the replies. The b!tches these days are cray. Just for your entertainment pleasure the type of crazy stuff I’m talking about is…

I met her thru a mutual friend, chris. so before I met her I was chillin with chris, he was telling me about how he and his friends go to the strip clubs fairly often and this one time they got the girls in their group to go with them. he was telling me how these female friends are super hot and they end up getting naked on stage lol!! so I’m like oh that’s cool. again this was before I met her and I thought nothing of it.

so I was having dinner with the girl the other day. And she was like this one time the group of girls went to the strip club with chris and his friends after hitting the bars all night. Her and her friends are super hot and I know they gotta be the ones getting butt naked lmao!

I’m 23, they are all around 27.

Everything else is great. Beautiful, athletic, active, always offers to pay.

A surprising number of women like to go to strip bars. Never quite understood it, and I’m not one for strip bars myself (though I do like the occasional burlesque show, and lots of women like those too).

Don’t use the b-word for a woman unless she’s actually done something horrific. You start off thinking you’re sounding all gangsta’, and pretty soon you discover that you’re just a dumb misogynist that women try to avoid like a bad case of herpes.

[EDIT: reading your interim post, my sense is that women in their late 20s tend to be more into doing crazy stuff like that. They have enough experience in life to be more confident, and they are sowing their wild oats before (most of them) settle in for the hunt for a spouse. You get another burst of craziness around 40, where women decide that it’s time to live life for themselves again (and it’s awesome!).]

^^^ In five years you will know that it is not a big deal.

True that on the b-word.

Yeah, women love attractive women. Ever notice the pain they go through to outdress each other!? Like guys can tell the difference between $10 and $1000 heels. They can though.


Yes they do but our core personality more or less remains the same with perhaps the different facets expressing themselves differently. It seems illogical to expect a woman who has an exceedingly high count to understand how to make a relationship function. Sure she might be loyal but ultimately if you’re number X on a long list how can you possibly expect her to stick around when shit hits the fan seeing as she has no experience in give and take?

Also I would like to believe that there is a difference between expressing yourself and having fun and stripping naked in front of strangers. One is tacky and tasteless and it isn’t difficult to tell which one it is.

Women who are a bit mysterious and have a bit of allure and are generally just more selective about who they go to bed with or who gets to see them naked kick the butt of women who get naked on stage for a bit of fun in my book.

Speaking of mysterious, i’m already getting excited for Russia 2018. The motherland calls