Joshua Persky?

lol this thread is great.

Nice post Numi but I wonder what your definition of middle class is. Based on this article from 2003, 70% of the students at Harvard came from households making more than $100K. I don’t really see an issue with that though. I think successful parents are more likely to raise successful children; they certainly value education. So the best and brightest students in this country are going to come disproportionately from wealthier households. There’s a reason the best schools are in pricey neighborhoods.

Does anyone here define success as anything other than money? I see often these two words used in place of one another and just wondering…personally, I like having a job that lets me run my business on the side and have time for trips, etc rather than more money and not enough time for the other things…but wouldnt even know how to say one is more successful than the other…

numi, 1. You gotta read more carefully what I wrote…if you think about it when you are less emotional…you will see that my view is NOT mutually exclusive with your view, with adehbone’s view, nor with farley013’s view…I think if you just ignore everything I wrote and read bchadwick’s…that’s pretty much the best summary. 2. There were two very specific triggers to why I exploded there. 2a. based on your quick off-handed dismissal and categorizing of me. 2b. based on a totally illogical and stupid statement…I am laughing now as I reread it. 2a. Your quick classification/dismissal of my intent with: > bostonkev, it’s not that you’re not making your point clear. it’s just that it’s not a > particularly relevant or meaningful observation. nobody cares that you are “not too > impressed at all” with folks that graduated from top-tier schools. they probably aren’t > too impressed with your poorly defended hypotheses either, but just don’t care > enough to argue with you. > > why does it always seem to be the case that those from lesser-known schools bash the top > schools in a manner that isn’t reciprocated? I’m not going to let someone talk down to me like that, especially when they totally misinterpreted me in a way that caused adehbone and farley013 to get sic’ed on me… I am not going to let you dismiss me with a five-liner like that while totally twisting my intent. It’s sneaky aggression in a way that attacks me and makes me a target. 2b. adehbone Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > All I see there is a track record of a guy working > real hard. Compare that to some dude who sits > there and just studies all day to pass Level 2. I think I made it clear why this annoyed me, lol. Otherwise, if you don’t read anything else I wrote in this thread read bchadwick’s post… he hits off all the relevant points in a non-emotional, non-confrontational, non-provocative, and very clear way…thank you bchadwick. Anyone who reads carefully what I wrote will see my intent.

Nope, money is the only definition of success.

Frisian ---- what about taking the life of another? Seems to me if you can be the last one standing, that is pretty successful…

My definition of successful: “To be able to contribute positively to the world and people around you in a physically, financially, and emotionally sustainable way, leaving time, money, and energy to enjoy modest personal pleasures on a reasonably regular basis, and, perhaps, the occasional outrageous indulgence.” Money is important in that view, but only as a facilitating condition. I read a good article by John Bogle in the Journal of Portfolio Management last week (Winter 2008) titled “A Question So Important It Should be Hard to Think of Anything Else”. It talked about the evolution of incentives in the profession. The best part for me was a section that talked about what it meant to be a professional. He quoted a Harvard business school professor that suggested that professionalism is underpinned by the motivation: “I will create value for society, not extract it.”

numi, Reading your post at the end of page 2 (especially the last 3 paragraphs) shows me just how much you just don’t get it…I can’t believe I expended so much energy arguing with you…it clearly was a useless endeavor.

bchadwick Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Money is important in that view, but only as a > facilitating condition. Definitely, money is what will allow me to do research in physics on my own terms while my present and future family does not have to suffer though poverty. That’s why I started CFA in the first place. Luckily, I found out how interesting finance, business, economics, etc. were and hopefully will be an academic researcher in these fields as well in the future.

bostonkev, I don’t have a problem with keeping my emotions in check. By your own admission as well as purely objective observation, you’re the one that exploded (leading to your making matters personal here). If you thought I was being “sneaky,” look again – what could possibly be more clear than my four-paragraph rebutal to your baseless assertions? I only responded to what I read. If you feel that you were misinterpreted, perhaps you should learn to express yourself more clearly as you put your thoughts on paper.

Should have stick to IT - it is booming!

numi, Furthermore, my original set of posts were generalities… then you made it personal first with your five-liner… to which I wasn’t afraid to unleash an articulate and search-function-intensive counterattack at the personal level… Next time you dismiss and attack someone like that five-liner, make sure you brace for the consequences…

numi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bostonkev, I don’t have a problem with keeping my > emotions in check. By your own admission as well > as purely objective observation, you’re the one > that exploded (leading to your making matters > personal here). If you thought I was being > “sneaky,” look again – what could possibly be > more clear than my four-paragraph rebutal to your > baseless assertions? I only responded to what I > read. If you feel that you were misinterpreted, > perhaps you should learn to express yourself more > clearly as you put your thoughts on paper. numi, I think I severely hurt you, why did you then counter with a very well-written seven-paragraph post (as compared to your usual concise and non-punctuated posts)? Bring it on, Mr. Sneaky… You are exactly what I think of when I think of an idiot from an ivy league (exception rather than the rule). Whereas bchadwick is exactly what I think of as someone brilliant from an ivy (rule rather than the exception).

NUMI FTW! bostonkev = p3wnd. peace

kevin002 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > NUMI FTW! > > bostonkev = p3wnd. > > > peace I’m more scared of getting p3wnd by CFA Level 2 then someone who didn’t. LOLZ, ZOMG!

bostonkev Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > numi, > > Furthermore, my original set of posts were > generalities… > then you made it personal first with your > five-liner… > to which I wasn’t afraid to unleash an articulate > and search-function-intensive > counterattack at the personal level… > > Next time you dismiss and attack someone like that > five-liner, > make sure you brace for the consequences… My posts are usually well-written and articulated. What “consequences” are you talking about? You must be joking. You tried to make matters personal, yet there’s nothing you know about me that isn’t already available to anyone else who reads these forums. Instead, you made a total fool of yourself while simultaneously revealing that you haven’t been able to hack it in finance. You keep talking about all the certifications that you’re aspiring to get (“I’ll be getting a PhD in theoretical physics in two years and hopefully will have completed all the 13 tests required of CFA[3], FRM[1], CAIA[2], PRM[4], and CMT[3] by that time…you want to network?” – hilarious!), and how you could have gone to Harvard, MIT, or whatever. But at the end of the day, you just can’t get it done. The whole premise of your argument about how much better you are than people who attended top universities is all “coulda, shoulda, woulda.” Somehow, you think you can talk the talk, but you obviously can’t walk the walk. Any credibility you once had has been erased by the 20+ of poorly constructed and emotionally-charged responses you have posted on this thread (further proof that you don’t have a real job). You talk a big game, but when it comes to the main event, you have no results to show for it. Now, by your own admission, you’re trying to make this personal – but I’ll tell you one thing. If your comments came from anyone else here, maybe I’d take things more seriously. However, it’s all too laughable to hear it from someone like yourself who doesn’t even work in finance, hasn’t passed a finance exam of any kind, and who has such a major chip on their shoulder. I know you’re trying hard to boost your self-confidence by imagining yourself as better than everyone else here, but it’s just not working for you.

numi Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Instead, you made a total fool > of yourself while simultaneously revealing that > you haven’t been able to hack it in finance. I haven’t even started in finance…so haven’t been able to hack in finance is a stupid comment. If you didn’t care about my comments, why do you spend so much time countering? (I’m doing it cause it is entertaining.) BTW, why don’t you go pass Level 2 CFA? I’d rather talk to those people who have… they probably are more insightful, hardworking, and smarter than you are. (I am laughing my arse off, I have a few friends reading this post and I’m trying to make it as a funny as possible.)

numi, you should change your name to numi_the_CFA_Level_2_passer that would be hilarious…why? because it would be false…LOLZ concerning the main event…seems like you can’t even get past level 2…so consider that your main event…will you ever show (you probably don’t need to and that was my point)? disclaimer to people reading: this thread was good up to the second page (probably the first page)…now it is typical internet flamewar-ing…i hope numi and myself can provide you with more quality entertainment in the future

Can some one sum this thread up in 2 sentences?

numi = finance superstar from elite school bostonkev = physicist who makes fun of people on the internet