
Haha bchad that reminds me of this Chappelle’s Show sketch

+1 I enjoyified that!

Humans releasing stored carbon back into the atmosphere, where concentrations have been ten times as high as they’re now, with lower temperatures, will kill us all before then, because everyone knows CO2 concentrations are the primary climate determinant, not the Sun, not orbital or global oscillation, not water vapor, not volcanoes, or other natural emissions. Keep the plant food stored in the Earth where it belongs.

Anyone who has seen the original “Total Recall,” which shut down the Screen Actors Guild after winning the “Best Movie…Ever” Oscar, can tell you that all we need to do is activate that huge glacier-melting device built by the aliens and Mars will basically be Earth 2.

^I would have pegged you as a “Terminator” guy. Don’t really know why.

That’s a fair assessment. But it’s really the actor who plays the parts that drove the SAG crazy. They couldn’t decide which of his world-class pictures deserved the platinum Oscar before they shut down the operation due to multiple head explosions from members of the voting committee.

let out some steam Bennett

Screw you!!

The way your logic works, you might as well say that it’s perfectly safe to walk into traffic because bullets will people, therefore cars are harmless.

^^ We’ll see you at the party, Richter!!

I liked Total Recall a lot, though I haven’t seen the remake.

And you might as well force somebody to buy a facemask suggesting it will make them safer as they walk into traffic. “But wait, why do I have to buy a face mask? I’m not walking into traffic and, even if I were, the mask would do nothing to help me avoid the cars.”

I’ve never spent money on a DVD just to violently throw it in a trash can to demonstrate my feelings until that abomination was released. Why would an artist attempt to repaint the Mona Lisa? There can only be one. Do something original.

^ agreed. let it be known that trying to remake an Arnold movie will always be a grand disappointment. a big reason his movies are successful is because of his one liners and the general terribleness of the storyline. like if Eddie Murphy tried to redo Kindergarten Cop it would be Kindergarten Crap.

Ummmm…sooo…like…I dunno man. Adam Sandler’s “Longest Yard” was pretty awesome. Right? 'Nomsayin?

^ So…so…so…so, I hear what you’re saying, right? But…

Some Arnold movies - Total Recall is a good example - have well thought out plots that even address important philosophical questions. It’s really the casting that transforms it into an Arnold movie. Imagine if Shawshank Redemption starred Arnold. It would be a very different movie.

Yes, the movie would have gone from good to great…

I heard that the True Grit reboot was actually pretty good. That’s one of the few movies that I recall hearing that was as good as the original.

so ummm who’s amped for the Point Break reboot???