Music festivals

If you hit up any of the warehouse techno/deep house shows in Brooklyn there are people doing K. As far as the strength of E, I have no reference I wasnt doing it back in the 90’s rave days but in recent years you have to be so careful with crap people are passing off. Really cant stress how important test kits are, there is a lot of nasty crap out there and thats a lot of the reason kids end up dead or in the hospital. Unfortunately those people are usually the least likely to bother testing their stuff as they are usually part of the “party my ass of and roll face as hard as I can” crowd.

Are you in the NYC area? The new grade Europills are verifiably / factually stronger than even the marketing gimmic “triple stackers” of yore were with better content. Yes, I understand the need for kits.

This is the greatest video i have seen in at least the past week


Yea im in NYC. Also the test kit comment wasnt for you, more for any other AFer who may stumble upon this and party from time to time, you seem like you know what you are doing. Its just a shame to see people lose their lives due to something preventable. Ill have to try out some pills again one day, usually stick to crystals when I partake but have found years ago when I took some pills they were fun.

I’ve been to the Austin City Limits festival 8 or so years. It’s a three day festival but no camping. I keep it light because it’s a huge festival and lots of walking. Sunscreen, water bottle, chair. That’s about it.

this is not me… I am brown

So secret garden party this weekend. Got 3 grams of coke, 1 gram of MDMA and will take some beers… Looking at the pictures of previous years there is;

1, naked mud wrestling

  1. bubble wrap popping

  2. face painting

  3. nakedness by the lake.

  4. lots of music

  5. chillout zones

I am quite worried now… … I like nakedness though. I’m prob just gonna hang with the hippies doing charlie drinking cider all weekend…

It’s not a party until BS arrives!

I’m not a fan of drinking or drunks but this event looks amazing. Goes without saying but bring some rain coats -based on the pics of the women, bring a lot.

Maybe edit the second sentence so it’s not so explicit.

To be safe test the thing you got 1 of if you can or know someone that can.

You’ll be fine, just ease into the first day, get the lay of the land and don’t start your days off too hard. Usually in these weekend long things the attention and photographs show the episodic craziness but miss the large amount of chilling out that goes on. If you focus on easing into each day and not coming out of the gates too hard (balancing it against not participating enough) you’ll have a great time. Developing a hangover or crashing as the party gets good is always a huge buzz kill. Just view it as a fun change of pace and try to go in without expectations. Out of wack expectations are more often the source of people’s frustrations than anything. Have a good weekend and drink a lot of water.

+1 to what BS said. Its a marathon not a sprint, the goal is to have the most fun not to be the most messed up. Seems like a lot of people get it in reverse and end up having a bad time. Also dont mix your 2 party favors they counteract and youll waste both. Hopefully the weather holds out, being outdoors with music and friends on a beautiful day with nothing to do but relax and have fun is one of the most fun things to do

interesting to hear the perspective of people doing these things in a responsible way, I so closely associate them with getting totally fucked up and messy.

I didn’t know that E was stronger now, I guess is depends on where you’re located. I had 2 distinct parts of that phase back in the day, 1 where i was located somewhere with notoriously strong and pure E. $40 a pop and people would usually take 1 over a night, half at a time or some would get onto 2 if they were pushing it. 2nd phase was somewhere only shit pills were available, £2 a pop and people would gobble them like candy. probably zero mdma in them and we had some really bad experiences with bad pills. We were pretty hardy (used to drop acid in the morning after partying all night on e) but whatever was in these pills was some nasty psychoactive stuff. most people I know in the UK that still do it take MDMA rather than risk it with a pill.

cringe. totally ripping off david brent though.

Ok, I think we’re pushing the limit here probably, but I’ll report this as factually as possible. The last few years have been something of a golden age out of amsterdam (netherlands supplies like 70% of US MDMA) with a group called CP turning out unprecidented quantities of ultra pure “Euro pills” meant to be dosed in halves. Tests have shown nearly pure content at about a 260mg dose in say the orange teslas… a typical full dose in the 90’s ran about 100mg. SWIM says they hit like a freight train and run about $20 in a major hub like Vegas. To me a distinct pill gives you at least some idea of what you’re getting versus powder. Powder can be cut successively whereas a pill is binary, either real or knockoff and then intact from there on downward. Testing can verify veracity and then you’re basically good. One caveat is that standard testing is positive (ie does substance have x active ingredient) but does not verify purity of content or presence of other adulterants unless follow on tests are performed.

Interesting to hear gringo & BS’s experiences. I recall back in like 2012 and all the pills in the Philly area were largely crap so everyone opted for crystals, from what I have heard from others as well as BS now people are back on the pills train. Amsterdam is certainly pumping this stuff out and the availability and ease of access to this stuff on other Dark Net Market variations of silk road makes it cheap as hell to get in the states still.

As far as being responsible, I think there is kind of a natural progression. I think a lot of people (myself included) are stupid and probably do it a lot more than you should and are incredibly reckless when they are younger. As you get older and more mature and see that bad things can happen, you tend to take more precaution and understand that you are taking a risk and you try to manage it by A) Knowing what you are really taking and B) taking precautions to do it as safely/responsibly as possible. There are tons of resources available for people to learn about things, unfortunately large festivals in the states arent able to provide much in terms of harm reduction due to the RAVE act.

I’ve never seen pills as being binary, ultimately they’re just compressed powder so can easily be cut with stuff before that stage of the process. back in the £2 days a lot had some mdma and some speed. interesting that people have gone back to pills though.

I suppose I skipped the responsibility stage and just went cold turkey and have never really felt tempted to dip my toe again other than a few times on Meow Meow when that 1st kicked off.

Pokhim - can you grab some pics for the community?

^wtf is meow meow hah

Ok, let me clarify. features reviews as well as pretty extensive test results on most common pills based on features, region and description. I’m not referring to just grabbing any pill and eating it like this is 1992. I’m talking about getting your hand on a yellow ups, red supreme, orange tesla (which also glows under blacklight), green yoshi or something along those lines made and branded by CP. Very common, very well verified and given advanced tests with specs on purity and content. At this point you either have a knock off (less common these days given how many of these are being cranked out in Netherlands) or you have the real thing. A test or two can pretty much bring you to 100% certainty of what you have and can be reasonably certain it is still in tact. In this sense it’s binary. The powder “molly” marketing ploy came about in response to the 90’s garbage. People were told it was pure and maybe for some brief minute it was, but it quickly was cut witih anything and everything by each successive dealer. For a period in the early 2000’s to about 2011 quality recovered but then dropped off a cliff as supply came under fed pressure and demand took off with EDM. So what you were left with was pretty much entirely bunk stuff. Some reports found as much as 2/3rds of what was tested on the street didn’t even contain MDMA. Even if you tested it positive, this is not an indication of quality, with most of it found to be cut and diluted. In the best case it was just cut with some harmless substance, in most cases random lab chemicals and meth and in worst cases things like bath salts. This is still the current state of much of the powdered content. There is very little incentive for street level dealers not to cut stuff to increase quantity, particularly around mass events and you’re getting a much less binary outcome cut in a multitiude of ways by a multitude of successive dealers.

+1 I have a seratonin issue and have stayed away from MDMA as I knew its possible additional negative consequences. Literally, if I don’t workout 5-10+ hours a week at least, I perceive to feel some kind of seratonin deficiency which sucks. You don’t want to go there. But kids these days - I hear them popping these things like candy. They have no idea what they’re taking and just hear that ‘its good’. You don’t want to pop these like skittles and wake up with an irreversable seratonin issue.

This thread is good for the book I’m currently listening to: