My apartment lease is up and I am moving into a van


One of the few SNL skits that I ever found funny.

god bless you

Because you are awesome.

@bromion.You are too kind.

+1: I genuinely admire those who think out of the box to make things happen. If buying a house sooner is imp to you, then I wouldn’t listen to anyone and just go for it. Makes for an amzing story.

God bless!

@op.i am writing a journal,of the events during my 7 month in the van, i seriously hope its the last 2 weeks though, its no easy task believe me.I have even put stuff under the chairs, keeping your clothes clean is a very important thing to remember since lack of space will make you shove whatever you have in odd places. Remember if you are urinating in a bottle get rid of it on a hourly basis.

i would seriously consider moving out of the company parking as it may affect your reputation and could result in problems over there. also never ever eat inside the smell will kill you afterwards

I actually thought for a while that if I ever wound up back in a role where I was 100% travel, was once 100% travel for 6-7 months, why bother having an apartment? When you come “home” for the weekend, just have a gym membership for showers and a car to sleep in or an inflatable mattress to put on the floor at the office in a big meeting room. If you ever just need a real bed, use hotel points or get a hotel for the night.

You should give yourself a flat tire, at which point it would no longer be as much a van as it would be a home, and the stigma associated with your living arrangement would be rendered moot.

Disagree. Unless he’s living in NYC or SF, he is very likely to be able to find an apartment or a share for $500 or less. So in 6-12 months he’s basically saving $3000-6000 by living in a van instead of an apartment. That is enough down payment for a toolshed in just about any city except maybe Detroit.

You sound poor, TS.

I kind of want to do this now

I agree with IHIHM.

Go get the cheapest apartment you can find. It may be a 200 sqft apartment in a crime-ridden shithole, but at least you’ll have a shower, toilet, sink, and closet. Then take everything except your bed, clothes and toiletries and put them in a storage unit, so they don’t get stolen.

Take all your stuff that you don’t want to get stolen and put it in storage.

I have to agree with this as well.

Come on guys, think of the awesome stories that will grace AF if he lives in a van. This is for the greater good. Nobody wants to hear the math of the potential savings as if this is some kind of financial forum.

I wasn’t exactly advocating the lifestyle. Just saying there are ways of making is less horrible. I’m not exactly suited for a van lifestyle anyway. I mean, I get filled with a nameless dread whenever I run out of my honey almond body scrub.

^lol. aight. so my best friend from hs did this 4 years ago when i was in college.

we threw a party at his grandparents house. it was trashsed hard. so he got the boot. he lived in his car. worked out and showered at 24. crashed every now and then at our friend’s garage. he did this for a solid 3 to 6 months. despite doing this, he was still a ladies man and juggled plenty of them like a pro. i was actually sketched to ride in it juss cuz i know magic happened there. but he literally had everything in there. TV, gamecube, super smash, guitar, dvd player, a macbook, alcohol, and other stuff. by the end of it he joined the military. pretty epic stuff, but if he can do it in a car. you can do it in a van.

i read today that 65% of folks living in a van end up being serial killers

See, we already have awesome stories emerging. We need at least one member of AF to live in a van. Need. You heard it here first.

Is living in a van a violation of ethics ?