Recommended Books to Read

Thanks guys! I also picked up Flash Boys and I am almost done with it. Awesome read so far and its also exciting to follow whats currently going on with Brad Katsuyama and the senate. Great time to read the book.

I also picked up this book called The Dao of Capital written by Mark Spitznagel:

Has anyone read this? What an amazing track record.

Lone Survivor

Any recommendation on fiction books?

Black Swan recommended Ready Player One to me last week. I finished it in two days. If you love the '80’s (and you damn well should) then it’s a must-read.

tony siragusa book is hilarious and quick read

I’m not much into science fiction but will give it a shot.

Michael Connelly is cool criminal fiction -

Stephen Frey is fantastic financial fiction -

John Grisham is good legal fiction -

All the Money in the World - Case study on individuals in the Forbes 400 list (not a single CFA)

Making a Good Brain Great - Dr. Dan Amen, brain health 101, solid.

LinkedIn used to have a books app so one could keep track of books they and others were reading. I used to have 100+ completed reads with my notes on a recommendation. They axed it, and such, I don’t recall a ton of the good books I’ve read.

DoW, respect. I can’t stand to read yet another lucky fckers tale of how they correctly guessed what the market would do, somehow were correct, and attribute it all to skill.

For Fantasy Fiction, I’m re-reading The Name of the Wind and will soon re-read its sequel. Still good.

For Science Fiction, my favorite book is probably The Forever War.

There’s a pretty good book out there only available on Kindle for 99 cents. I think it’s called “Morgenthal & Company”. It’s about a hypothetical investment bank and its struggles through the years.

Think–CFA curriculum meets When Genius Failed.

I have a rule to never read books during the summer (and as I’m disciplined I never break it) but once Fall arrives Flash Boys will be the first book on my list. I’ve heard positive reviews.

For supyogov


I’m reading Black Swan by Nassim Taleb. I find it very interesting.

^I own it. Never read it.

But I imagine that watching Black Swan with Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis would be even more interesting.

Great book that gets you thinking. I don’t agree with everything Taleb says, but there are some valuable ways to think about problems included. Anti-Fragile and Fooled by Randomness are better, though. Fooled is actually a brilliant read.

Anyone else have opinions on Fooled by Randomness and Black Swan? I want to read one of those but don’t know which one is better/more interesting.

Anything – seriously: absolutely _ anything _ – by P.G. Wodehouse.

Thanks, I’ll have to check those out!

-Said no one ever.

Anyone read “Outliers” by Gladwell?