Russian women are notoriously sexual. Stop judging them.

i bet youre^ a very classy gal dont listen to these blowhards

American men are strange, Probably the only people in the world who think generalizations are ok.

Can’t tell if this is supposed to be sarcastic or not…

@Krnyc - note the “sample size - one” part. I’d love to test the theory on a few more. I think we need at least 30 to be able to use the z-table. Would you volunteer to be part of the experiment?

I’ve known enough Russian women to know that they aren’t all like that, but somehow the ones that are always seem to find us and make the biggest impression.

You attract the energy you give out, It’s karma.

So are the women of Crimea now notoriously sexual, or will that take some time?

I am incredibly offended about those generalization. Chad please remove this topic immideatly.

I am also offended about short stature post, please remove it as well

I’m not sure that someone demanding that a thread be removed is - in itself - grounds for removal.

I don’t see this thread as saying “Russian women are awful people,” and everyone jumping in and agreeing and planning on how to make members who are russian women feel ashamed of themselves. If that were the case, then there’s a stronger argument for remove it.

What I see is some people saying bad things about Russian women and others saying good things, or at least that the generalizations aren’t true. I think that’s a healthy discussion, and if some people want to signal themselves as obnoxious loudmouths spouting off on things that they probably don’t know much about, then that is how they will be percieved. It doesn’t make the generalizations true. And the discussion of why the generalizations might seem true or what aspect of the generalization is true in what context (most generalizations have elements of perception that get overgeneralized), that is also valuable.

And people need to push back not by trying to censor the thread, but by pointing out that people who overgeneralize are idiots or don’t know what they are talking about.

As always, my sarcasm was unnoticed.

I was wondering if you were being sarcastic, but decided to write the argument anyway.

bchad were u on the debate team in high school?

No, but this sort of stuff comes up a lot in policy analysis. Virtually all policies have flaws, so you still have to argue why to choose one policy over another or how to deal with the imperfections.

i like your style, enjoy reading yours posts that are less than 5 paragraphs

not by all

From a dictionary, the act or process of forming opinions that are based on a small amount of information

Generalizations are just that. They don’t mean much on an individual level or maybe even a large group, if they are not accurate. But, if you wanted to say that american white men vote republican,because the ones you have met do in fact vote republican, that doesn’t make you ignorant and that is not an over generalization. It is a generalization. It is true that not all american white men vote republican, just way more than half. Do we need to qualify that statements are not all inclusive, and , in fact, are generalizations? I think it is understood and shouldn’t offend any individual. Refute the generalization if it is not true. Obviously, enough of the Russian women that men on this board have come across have certain qualities. More so, than say, women from Canada. Is someone really implying that all or even most Russian women are a certain way? I infer that the argument is that these traits are more prevalent among this group than others. Refute away if it is an inaccurate generalization. Good luck.

I stand by the fact that all six of my statements apply to 100% of the Russian chicks I have dated.

Don’t worry, im working on an app now that provides the abridged version of all of bchad’s well thought novels.

A Russian woman stole my soul.