So where did the plane go?

Has anyone seen Jack Shepard?

I watched cast away the other night. I have this feeling there are survivors trapped on a deserted island.

That’s like saying - start smoking crack recreationally but after 1 year don’t bother, it only goes downhill from there

Here is a write up about the course change, etc.:

More info in the tabs.

Season 4 of Lost was a little weak, but still definitely worth watching. For those that didn’t like the last season, or the finale…hate to break it to you, but you’re too stupid to figure it out.

Even if the passengers died the plane would have been tracked. Whatever happended had to have happened instantaneously. Has anyone mentioned aliens yet?

With the remote likelihood of any of the possibilities, aliens certainly should not be ruled out. :slight_smile:

Well… the story in Lost was made up on the fly in later seasons. There were too many unresolved plot issues that the writers just used a series of deus ex machinas to tie everything together. The ending was not as well conceived as the first half of the series. However, at that point, viewers had become emotionally invested in the show, and they defensively rebutt any arguments that the plot had deteriorated over time.

I love how we have two conversations going on at the same time in this thread but to continue with MH370

Can it be that someone sabotaged the airplane before it took off? (i.e. set up some timer that would automatically shut off all transponders on the plane) and then proceeded to hijack the plane and land it safely in Cambodia or something?

^ That would be an incredible story. Right now, any possibility is a highly remote event, so I wouldn’t rule anything out. That’s certainly a good movie plot line though.

Update: Malaysian’s military saw the plane on their radar near the Malacca Strait which is 200miles off course flying a 9000 ft.

If you look at the map the Malacca Strait is to the west of Kuala Lumpur while Beijing is Northeast.

If this report is true then it seems like terrorism might be involved. You don’t that far off course without attempting to make any contact or sending out any signal

Another possibility that cannot be ruled out was a suicide mission by the pilots.

What I’m confused about now, is why those two Iranians who got into the country legally with their own passports then decided to steal passports and use those to leave the country. The media is playing it as if it’s all cool, but shouldn’t that raise big WTF flags?

^I don’t think it’s that big of a deal, but since it involves Iran, media will go WTF?

I envision that these two guys got into Malaysia with their own passports. Malaysia is a majority Muslim country where they might have had contacts. In Malaysia, they received illegal passports, which were stolen from German and Italian tourists in another SE Asian country. Their intention would have been to use these passports to illegally migrate into these European countries.

Of course, the fact that the plane went missing raises questions about terrorism. However, the presence of these Iranian passengers is not strong evidence of terrorism by itself. For every middle eastern male that blows up a plane, thousands more migrate into other countries, legally or illegally.

One of the false passport guys had his mom waiting at the airport in Germany to pick him up. Looks like a migrant issue and not anything overly nefarious.

They said it did happen to SilkAir Flight 185 in1997 although the pilot-suicide reason was controversal.

Back to MH370, it seems like the Malaysian government has been hiding something… I cannot believe that in such the connected world, we stil don’t know where the plane is. It’s a plane, not a needle !

Edit: Other than this story, personally I do think Malaysian airlines is very prestigious with good services besides Asiana, Singapore Airlines, Korean Airlines and Eva. There’s a rumor here and there that the Malaysian gov is about to sell MH and the crash (if it is) is to make its stock go down.

I don’t know about this, if the plane crashed into the water it will likely set off the ELT and sent a signal.

Let’s say that is broken or the plane did not “crash” into the water hard enough to set off the ELT, there will still be debris on the water to be found.

this is definitely terrorism, or at the very least shennanigans.

media are playing it cool but seriously? plane with unblemished safety record goes missing with no distress call and no debris found, 5 passengers travelling on stolen passports, 2 of them iranian.

I thought about it, and i was thinking it happened before, pilots successfully landed on water, but the question is, if the pilots can land softly on water, how come they can’t send the mayday signal?

And let’s say the signal is broken for whatever reason, a plane makes a “soft” landing doesn’t sink too terribly fast (especially if the plane is intact), think about its shape…

If hte plane is not completely intact, think about all these floatable things on plane, they are easily escaped from the crash and float to the top, no?