
Damn comparing to some people here my squat is a joke. How did you get to 455, that is pretty hardcore. If i got to 455 i could probably dunk the basketball

He’s PLer, so that is the pure expression of his sport. The squat is the end, not the means to the end. He is probably also genetically inclined to be able to squat 2.5x bodyweight at a weight of 180. Most people need to specifically focus on strength to hit those kinds of numbers, insane things can happen when you train focused on a clear goal like that. For example, here’s a 100lb girl squating 375:


Granted she’s in the Chinese Oly program and probably on as many PEDs as they think will help, but still.


Add deadlifts to the list of exercises that really suck the dingaling. I did them for the first time in a long time today.


How did i miss this gem of a post! Squats are my fav (both front and back) and need to be incorporated into any lifting program. I prefer to do squats twice a week but i think once a week is enough to start.

I’m at 425 raw, atg, and can probably add some pounds if i used a belt.

Undead, what gym do you lift at in NYC? I’ll be there next week and need someone to guess pass me in


I haven’t lifted weights since my self-induced hacksaw surgery on July 3. Been running, just no weights.

Then on Tuesday, I lifted again. Squats, bench, lats, all of it. And the legs hurt like hell today. The arms and chest do too, but I don’t walk on them.

Back when I used to have ligaments and catilage in my knees, and when I could find a weight room on a map, I topped out at 385 pounds on the squat. It made me feel a little better about almost never getting over 250 pounds on the bench press. Long arms and little ambition made the bench press my enemy.

I started about 2 months ago, and had to squat with an aluminum bar and even little foam bars for weeks before developing enough flexibility to break parallel.

^I typically go parallel instead of ATG.

I squat 3x a week. Usually always below parallel but not ATG, but it depends on if its high bar or low bar. I used to be a huge fan of olympic shoes for squats but now i have found that i have far more power in my wrestling shoes or barefoot, go figure.

I’ve also heard the cue “spread the floor,” the idea of which is to keep your knee(s) from caving in when coming out of the hole.

Front squats FTW

Doing bulgarian style training…squat day, everyday

^ a** to grass

All in one day?

^Yeah. I try to run on Mon, Wed, Thu, Sat. And I lift on Tue and Fri.

Remember–I’m not trying to bulk up or anything. I was never destined to play OL for the Cowboys. I’m just tryinig to lose weight. I got a lot to lose before I can even really think about real “fitness”.

Do a lot of cycling in the summer (40-50 3x week by end of summer), but I’m old (56). Last few years, I was slowing down. So I spent a fair bit of time this last winter hitting legs in the gym (squats, deep lunges with dumbells, leg press). Made a huge difference - hills gos a lot flatter, and I was rolling faster than I was 7 years ago.

Weights suck, but they become a lot more important as you get older. And there’s no substitute for squats.

Yeah my trainer has me cutting carbs - cutting out grains altogether … no oats, no wheat bread … nada

All of you should try atlas stones and farmers walk. Atlas stones will leave your entire body sore the next day and farmers walk will help you develop traps the size of goldberg.

To any of the broscience bros preaching the usage of squatting the smith machine, hit them with a fireman’s carry