Students from Hackshaw colleges may not be losers....

I think he means that the recruiter list is arbitrarily constructed. If Brown is there for an arbitrary reason, there are probably other schools there for other arbitrary reasons.

agreed. Brown is well known as the worst ivy

Brown > Cornell

^That’s like saying Christian Ponder isn’t a BSD because he’s the worst starting QB in the NFL.


I ,for one,will never work for a retard like you.

Ya i am clearly a retard who works for 50 hours a week in a MNC…clears CFA/FRM/ACCA exams on 1st attempt …

I am not looking for a “job” in USA.I have already been to USA for 3 months for an exchange programme during my MBA and i have no desire to work in the US.I know this is specific to USA.Most Americans think that others are dying to work in USA.However it is not a truth any more.

I am looking to work in Singapore/Gulf countries after gaining few years of experience.Personally i loved the work culture at Singapore more than the US.*

*I have been to USA & Singapore for exchange programmes…

does this include north south and central?

i bet a milly rr troll ends up being itera’s butler in 20 years

u can go to a top school and still be a loser. the only thing that matters is what u are doing right now.

itera’s elitist hr rep filters out kids like this in milliseconds

rr’s favorite word is retard.

Itera only hires butlers from top4 MBA programs (for the butler he is willing to drop his standards slightly).


RR Is gay he ends up like smithers to mr.burns in the simpsons dont hire him as a butler

LOL you people are pretty funny…

Rahul Roy is hacksaw personified.

I can with certainty say that Google does hire people who went hacksaw schools.

I want my book 6 NOW

Me too :confused:

It’s sad. I see it everyday.

There are people today as competent, energetic and creative as their ancestors but will have a lot less to show for at the end of their professional careers. Many talents are wasted in positions because the economy isn’t growing fast enough and their mentors are staying in the job market longer.

Compared to USTA, every school seems like a top one. Check yo self before ya wreck yo self!