The mother in law is over for 2 weeks...

To the numb nuts on this thread who still don’t understand why paleo is the optimal human diet, look up a little thing call evolution, it happened, and it applies to us. To Pokim, good for you!

Wife is Asian? My Asian wife knows I don’t eat crappy neolithic and industrial foods, she tells the mother-in-law, they cook whatever I like, and everyone else has to eat it.

The only mistake here is you went paki instead of Indian

Should have gone ghori.

She’s leaving soon so it aint that bad. I asserted my dominance in the kitchen and she lets me do most of the cooking now.

I’m trying to reduce gluten intake, and the wife is going strict paleo as she has started to get some autoimmune disease and we’re figuring out ways to stop its progression.

Oh wow! I need some of this…

I was actually joking around, I can see the draw of paleo and wouldn’t mind giving the paleo thing a whirl. I encounter a similar thing regarding evolution now with a duaghter. So many of my friends will feed their kids at exactly 11:45 on the minute, etc throughout the day and plan their days around it. When they drive, they play a certain accoustic CD they’ve selected. They build the baby’s entire live around a fragile, scheduled existance and don’t see how this could possibly harm the kid’s ability to cope and wonder why every kid these days is on anxiety meds and is allergic to everything.

This. This right here is why you’re not invited to parties.

“I asserted my dominance in the kitchen”

Is this what it sounds like?

Lol, which ghori though?

Spanish and Italian firangis come with the same close knit families amd a lifetime supply of paella or pasta. Maybe American? American ghoris have a totally unique and bizarre fetish for the British accent and bonus points for you if your tanned skin-tone gives you the whole Zayn Malik vibe.


Didn’t the Scorpions sing about this?

I followed the Moskva

Down to Ghori Park

Listening to the winds of change

Take me to the magic of the moment

On a glory night

Where the children of tomorrow dream away

In the wind of change

When I google ghori…this is what I found

^ looks like the horse I arrived on for my wedding. srs

Pretty sure it’s Gorky Park Greenie.

After this guy:

Yes, “lets you.”