Things you should be eating/drinking to be healthy...

It is absolute bull. Don’t tell the hipsters.

Few things you should be eating - eggs, omega-3 fish oil pills, and a lot of fiber. Finally portion control. Low carb diet people remember the eating meat and fat part, but forget the moderation part.

Why do people take stuff, say caffeine, when they’re tired? I just take a nap. Doesn’t that make more sense?

i like bulletproof coffee but i don’t think it’s some sort of miracle. it fits into my goals of trying to maintain a high fat, low carb diet while limiting total volume of food that i eat. i function very well in the morning without anything else and it gets me to lunch, so it works for me.

i know some people who work out…hard…in the morning just on BP coffee and make it to early afternoon for their largest meal of the day. These are super fit guys who try to stay in ketosis a good proportion of the time, so their bodies are super efficient at burning stored fat for fuel.

That’s really the end game for effortless overall fitness – training your body to function and fuel itself with stored fat.

It is bull TBH, the main guy who promoted the whole thing is IMO a snake oil salesman. The only reason I drink it is both types of fat that are blended with the coffee are good for you to some extent and it just makes coffee taste better.TBH I train nearly 6 times a week like an animal and walk about 10,000 steps around the campus of my school so I am not a normal test subject for the whole high fat fad.Wim Hof, Dr Mercola and Dave Asprey all sale snake oil to the holistic health community and they sell by the barrel.

Because last time I napped at work, someone used my email to send meatspin to my company CEO.

you guys gotta get on the three penis wine

I commute about 15 miles everyday, either by metro or drive.I can:

  1. Sleep on the grass at my campus(The weather has to be warm)
  2. Sleep at the library
  3. Sleep in the metro and have my belongings stolen while riding through the ghetto part of the city
  4. Sleep while driving
  5. Sleep at class
  6. Sleep with someone in their dorm

As you can see from only one of them seem rather nice and that is currently not an option.

Napping would probably improve your productivity and health. I’m not suggesting “nap time,” but the ocassional one should be encouraged. The body’s cycles don’t always correspond to our work day. Need to start training your boss.

Sometimes I’ll go take my car down to the park at lunch and snooze. I don’t drink any caffeine. Mr. Jani or hacksaw Seems fake to me personally.

Tumeric powder

^ Dude your research interests are overlapping with RR. Don’t become a weirdo like him, you are still young.

Anybody drink matcha green tea? I’ve heard it’s a good alternative to coffee.

red bull is my energy, im a freak

I tried the 5:2 for a month and half the time I felt like I wanted to lay down and rot and the other half I felt like I wanted to slap someone so i’ve been reluctant to try the time period thing.

I find if i drop calories for a cut i go into ketosis very quickly

Yes, don’t be like rahul… the other, unrelated guy…

Atush has a long way to become rahul , the only thing he has in common is an anger issue.I guess all that curry needs other places to escape his body other than the usual places.

Anybody mention red wine yet?

I switched to a no-grain vegan diet about 5 days ago. I have been on a vegan diet before for 8 months, but was on grains during that. I have also been on a no-grain meat diet for about 8 months as well. Both had different pros and cons. This will be an interesting combination of the two. One of the first things I did was completely stock my pantry with food I could eat. The goal is to have as little processed foods as possible. Everything I have now does not have any added chemicals except for one thing. My pre-workout. I really like the stuff I use (Nitraflex). There is a plant-based alternative by Vega, but it just doesn’t have the kick. I’m not deadset against breaking the diet on little things (like if I order vegetables at a restaurant and they put butter on it without me knowing). I’ll still eat them.

My main focus right now is to get really lean in a short amount of time (for summer vanity) and am focusing this diet with some very intense gym workouts. I have no goal of how long to maintain it. I’ll see how it goes.