Things you should be eating/drinking to be healthy...

green tea is good, but I really like my espresso a stronger alternative to green tea is yerba mate fortunately some stores carry them in tea like bags. I used to have to order the stuff internationally.

I guess not yet, what’s the difference between red and white in terms of health benefits? Interesting thing to know.

"Wine antioxidants are found most abundantly in the skin of the grape. Therefore, red wines carry the largest amount of antioxidants. White wines will have a much lower concentration, since the grape skins are removed to create the clear, white color of lighter wines. "

This is kind of the law of nature. The deep rich colors usually have the most amount of nutrition in them. Think dark greens (kale, spinach) versus iceberg lettuce.

Well, I usually don’t get bothered by comments which compare me with someone. But you are now judging me for no reason. How do you know I have anger issue? Keep it down buddy. And if someone think that I should be banned just because I’m an Indian then that is nothing less than being racist. Comment on thread if you have anything to add/humour or else just ignore it. Don’t bring this RR shit everywhere. And there is a difference between comments posted by STL, Ohai and you. Bit immature. Go figure.

Wow! Well taste wise I like red so I guess that’s the one I should drink every week.

Thank you for the wonderful input, keep up the good work man.

how much you weight you trying to drop ACE?

I did a bit research on green tea in my international marketing course. Definitely, green tea has bunch of health benefits. Although, people are also switching to fruit infused tea from black tea especially in Australia where tea is a part of cultural. Just search fruit infused tea, you might like it. I got chance to drink bakeapple tea few times and I really liked it.

Not yet? It has antioxidant which is good but anything different from other green teas? I can see 20 tea bags pack on Amazon India for $ 7 not that expensive.

I would prefer tea in loose leaf form over tea bags.

I don’t have a set target in mind. But, i’m 72.5in (a little over 6’0") and 211 today. I’ve been dropping about a pound a day on this diet since I started going pretty intense about 5 days ago with the greens and flushing everything out of my system. I just want to get a good six pack going for pool/beach season. I’ll probably keep going about 1lb per day until I hit 205 and then it will be slower. I could hit a good six pack at about 200lbs … we will see. My quads are quite developed and carry a lot of weight, but I am using them to speed up my metabolism. Really, I have a picture of Black Swan I keep in my wallet to constantly remind me where I need to be. Although, I can’t drop in height, but hey I can try.

Also will be meeting a bunch of juniors/seniors this summer in a 9hr/week Kaplan class … yeah I’m going to be that guy


Less. You should be eating/drinking less to be healthy.

Yes, but it’s all about what you should be eating more or less.

its not about less, it is about calories expended versus calories consumed

6’ 200lbs with a 6 pack, sure mate

haha, i was trying to picture how that’s possible.

it depends on your muscle mass and how lean you are

right, i was trying to picture how that’s possible on a guy who’s not a world class body builder.