Uber in India

“He claims it was priest who guaranteed him a prized son if he followed his advice not to wash or cut his hair. Now, over 38 years later, Kailash Singh is probably the world’s smelliest man, has 6-foot-long dirty dreadlocks and is father to seven daughters and not a single son.”

A guy in a population of 1.2 billion rapes and chikan ticcka comes out on AF with all trolling guns fully loaded.Just because few people in India are doing the unacceptable act…does not make India a rapist country…

I know inky and others will start their hate propaganda against me again for my abovementioned comment so i am making it very clear that i am not going to be commenting on this thread again (as i have already made my point)…so please don’t waste your troll energy on me…

Are you saying that rape is not a social problem in India? Saying, “hey there are rapes in other countries too” doesn’t really change that fact.

If you told me that gun violence is a problem in the US, I would say, “yes, you are right”. I would not try to deflect the argument to other countries. If you told me the US is full of fat unhealthy people, I would again say “yes, you are right”.

In case you cared about why people keep posting these India specific stories, it’s because Indians get butt hurt and defensive in response to any criticism of India and it’s culture. If you guys stopped responding in a way that is so entertaining, people would stop posting.

What he is saying is that the idea that safety of women is an Indian specific problem is misleading. The idea that women are downtrodden relatively is also a difficult and curious case. India’s greatest prime minister responsible for close ties with the Russians, liberating the Bangaladeshi’s from Pakistan and responsible for the agricultural revolution was a woman. The woman behind the scenes of the country before the Congress’s spectacular defeat was again a woman. Women sit in the parliament, the administrative services, courts, air force and are present in some of the most powerful positions in the country. The USA supposedly a leader in woman’s rights is at least a decade or two away from being ready to let a woman run the country. The country of course suffers from certian unique problems but rape categorically is not one of them.

You say you wish to have a constructive debate but it is nigh on impossible to have a constructive debate with Americans who display an astonishingly high lack of awareness of the world around them and this section of the forum is predominately American or pseudo-American. The sensationalism, hypocrisy and lack of context obviously do not help.

Finally criticisms from America regarding culture shoud of course be completely ignored going forward as the last half a century has comprehesively proved that spiritually, historically and culturally the USA will always lag ancient civilizations like China, India and Egypt. The last remaining edge - wealth will be wiped out before the turn of the century.

What are you talking about? How many pairs of jeans do you own? How much Coca Cola do you drink in a year? Those are American cultural exports and are more relevant today than some pyramids. All rich Chinese want to do is play golf, buy Louis Vuitton bags, and drive a Mercedes Benz. Replicating Western culture is a sign of affluence there.

I don’t even know what you are talking about in the rest of the post. Even if Indians rape no more people than citizens of other countries, it is still worth highlighting the issue of rape in general. I also doubt that women enjoy the same societal status in India as women in many other countries. The fact that a few well connected women have held important political positions supports the status of women in India. However, it does not account for the millions of rural Indians who experience a completely different way of life.

So again, you are deflecting criticism of social issues in India by directing the argument to unrelated issues in a different country. This is a pretty typical response that I have seen many times (not just among Indians, but among people in developing countries in general). Ignorance of social issues is not the basis of “constructive debate”, nor does it help alleviate any of those issues.

Why do injuns enjoy wearing mustaches?

what an idiot troll. the story is about using uber to rape chicks. no wonder ya injuns never learn


Yes it is, but not in a sensaltionalistic gutter media fashion

There is no ignorance of social issues. There are real grassroot movements throughout emerging countries that are dealing with country specific issues. Transparecy is going from strength to strength in some emerging countries barring China and vibrancy of the free media is one of the pillars of Indian democracy.

I am simply saying it is pontless discussing issues from another nation where the demographic discussing it lacks context, has bought into subtle programming and is generally all round ignorant about things beyond their borders.

You confirm what I said.

Western culture while somewhat similar is not entirely homogenous and certainly not analogous to American culture. Besides materialism and cheap t.v there is almost nothing America has exported in their time of unparalleled economic superiority.

England despite being politically irrelevent for the past 60-70 years still influences the world in a larger fashion. The language, metric system, sport the world uses / plays is all derived from England.

At the opposite end of the economic spectrum and despite being crippled by colonial powers emerging countries and ancient civilizations like China, India etc are still influencing the world in a large way. Confucianism and Buddhism which are more or less in mainstream global culture have their origins in China and India. Pop culture conepts like ‘Karma’, Yoga, Kama Sutra all orignate from the subcontinent. This is not even mentioning mythology and a whole raft of other things that would make the list long but I can see you disagree so i’ll just leave it.

I’ve been hearing about some new thing called the internet that the US Department of Defense created, but it’s probably nothing.

The problem is that you are only associating cultural with things being old. That’s not always true - culture encompasses whatever people do in their everyday lives, even if it is commercial. More people enjoy Disney movies than practice yoga. Even if yoga is old and has had more time to influence culture and behavior, Disney is arguable a more relevant cultural producer today.

I do not discount the value of history. However, you can’t peg the value of civilizations to things that happened many years ago. Otherwise, you’re Greece - a country whose ancestors made great contributions to culture, but which is hampered by dysfunction and lack of productivity today.

You discount the value of American cultural exports because they are ubiquitous. These cultural exports are so pervasive that you don’t realize that they have influenced everything you do, from the way you dress to the way you consume art. Things that are mainstream do not have to be considered “cheap”. Many mainstream things are just things that many people value enough to practice every day.


Some other relatively useless things to come out of America -

Smart phones, MP3 players, Digital cameras, Smart phones with MP3 players and digital cameras, airplanes and air travel, anesthesia, hydraulic fracturing, all things related to the personal computer, (American) football, and Star Wars

Dude just admit you Indian’s are a bunch of frustrated virgins raping everything. Visit any PUA forum and you’ll know it’s true.

Two comments:

  1. Yoga is not a product of Indian culture. It is a product of Southern California culture, with just the thinnest veneer of Indian words and spirituality thrown on top.

  2. “This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sati_(practice](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sati_(practice))

If we’re talking only about “culture”, I guess rock & roll, hip hop, rap, blues, and country music don’t count.

I am sure we will quickly settle which civilization is the superior one.

Watch this and forget the debate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd77eNaKEck (NSFW)

I don’t see the problem with Sati. Some indian girl torched themselves, why should I care?

The earliest mass produced smart phones came from Docomo in Japan, Anesthesia and the foundations of modern medicine have their roots again elsewhere and simultaneously in the Arab world, Indian subcontinent and Europe. No one really cares about American football, baseball or any of those sports and it pales in comparison to the one sport the world for better or good plays.

This is semantics but still, Hip hop, rap, blues and country music almost certainly don’t count.

They have marginal popularity at best outside of certain niche reigons.I am willing to concede rock ‘n’ roll, though ironically outside Elvis and maybe the doors the most recognizable names Beatles, AC/DC etc are all non-american. It is also true that the one genre that is more popular across the developing world - Metal again has it’s origins in England.

Origins of Yoga

Firmly rooted in the upanishads. It also only reached the west after practitioners from the sub-continent took it there. Are you a white emigre, Saffer? I hear you guys are running like flies now?

The suggestion of Disney is a curious one and probably true but it is worth noting that two other film industries from India and Nigeria respectively have a reach and influence that is completely out of propotion to their budgets. The reason for this is unique and can probably be condensed to the fact that emerging reigons are still pre-cynical and belive in romance. The hard worker somewhere in Egypt , Afghanistan and Middle east does not want to watch Leo taking on the entire of Sierra Leone. They want the escapism these 2 industries provide.

I am surprised no one mentioned WW2 yet though , word out there is that when the Americans wrote the history books they stole all the credit from the Russians.


I have to agree with Flashman. The yoga that people in the US “practice” has nothing to do with the real Indian Yoga practiced in India other than a few words and a comiclty bad misappropriation of your culture by some hipsters trying to make a buck in California.

You wouldn’t know this, because you sweat for a living in a shitty back office in Pune probably, but your average Yoga-Chick in the US wears these hillarious Lululemon tights that cost her 200 dollars, or about how much someone makes in India in a month, just because they make her ass look better. Really? what does that have to do with Yoga?

Honestly, if I were Indian, I would be pissed with all these hipsters taking something sacred to me and bastardizing it for their own vanity. I’ll throw Mr. Vikram Yoga under the bus here as just another inauthentic poser trying to capitalize on white people’s fascination with themselves.