US women face a Man deficit

^cheers to the first female poster in this section. I think your mantra is nothing new and many people on this forum share your belief. The good thing with bad relationships is you learn a lot from them - both in terms of how people react and about yourself.

Jbrowntown - you sound like this author i read back in the day, Dave Dieda.

^ You are spot on. The Way of the Superior Man. It has improved my life.

thanks…observing male hubris is a hobbie of mine. I hit the jackpot!

^^^ haha yea you really have. a lot of self proclaimed fine male specimens here

Well, the goal of “gender equality” was to increase GDP, simple as that. If the woman works *in addition* that is accomplished, however if the man does not work while the woman works then GDP takes a step backwards, since men are genetically superior in most jobs.

When I lived in the U.S. I lived in a building that was a pretty young tilt and mostly college educated. I kid you not all the women were either single or with a deadbeat boyfriend who was always home tinkering around with their hobbies, music career and their only job was to pick up said girlfriend after work.

Such a shame.

Depending on age a lot of girls have a phase where that sort of guy is desirable. Not really as a long term option but as a fling\dating thing. Kind of like how a bunch of my guy friends will date a really trashy girl for a little while. Different strokes I suppose

Every guy needs to try a trashy girl at least once in their life. It’s fun for the first week; then you learn really to appreciate the ones with class.

Haha, trashy girls can be so fun.

But ya, after awhile your friends are like, srsly?!

I think this is absolutely the case for many reasons. It seems to me that the entire dating culture has undergone a substantial shift where people are far less likely to “settle” or feel pressured into settling down. Why? Because you download an app, filter through your criteria (education always being one of the first selections), and have hundreds of matches staring you in the face. If you’re college educated and looking for a life partner, I’d imagine one of the first things you’d look for on the app as an “ideal candidate” is someone you’d consider to at least have opportunity for a viable, stable career path. If you had the choice and valued financial stability, wouldn’t most people do the same? I think so. There are so many prospects right at your fingertips. Why settle for less than your ideal candidate? That person is definitely not just an illusion in your head and if you keep going on enough dates and taking the best qualities from each person and stringing them all together you’ll eventually end up on a date with your perfect match. Right? Right.

^^ I’ll take it a step further… I’m saying EVEN IF Mr perfect perfect perfect walked into my life, I would still say no. I’m saying it is not about improper prospects or too many prospects. It is more about being able to make life choices without having to consult my partner first. That is the thing I always found overbearing even when I really liked the guy. Since I am happy alone, I just deciede to commit to that. I am wondering if that will become a more common choice people make in the future.

^i’m guessing you haven’t reached 30 yet. better lock one down before it’s too late.

I think it will become a more common choice, but perhaps not specifically and only for your reasoning. You might be hard pressed to find many people that would walk away from their perfect partner because they are so fiercely independent that they would instead choose to be “forever alone”. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, just think it’s rare. However, combining an increased desire for independence with a difficult dating environment could very easily result in an increase in those in the “happy alone” camp.

^^well said

i think being alone feels fine when you know you have choices. kind of like people who live in a big city but never go out…“i could go out and do whatever I want but I choose to stay home, but I could if i wanted to”. Well, I wonder if things will change as time goes by. when the opportunity set rapidly approaches zero, then you better really like being alone, because there won’t be an alternaitve, at least one that’s desirable and/or doesn’t require you to scrape the bottom of the barrel just to get a little action.

risky venture, imo.

If i was single and i heard this mantra, it would be golden to me. Hang out when you wanted and nothing attached… BUTTTT we live in a realistic world where it doesnt always work out that way. I take it you haven’t been hit by your female friends getting married or having kids, or don’t have parents pressuring you to settle down. I truly hope it remains this way but for some reason come 26-27+ you get hit with some realisation and begin to go nuts.

hmm I think the realization really hits:

men: 45 women: 35 when they realize they are going to be 40 in 5 years

^^^margin of error with those figures? I’m 36

If I don’t want a husband and kids by now… Im not gonna

but you may want companionship, which will get harder and harder to come by. just a thought.

This is the exact reason Japan is dying off, literally.

It’s also perhaps the most self-centered statement I’ve ever read. You don’t want to let anyone into your life because they could cramp your style. You will die surrounded by cats. (If left unattended, your cats will start to eat you fairly quickly after death. Cats are assholes.)