What gives you happiness??????

Having ‘aha!’ moments, i.e. solving problems

Yeah, yeah. All the cliche stuff about family and inner peace… And

A round of golf on a perfect day.

Playing electric guitar.

Driving my car rapidly.

You need down moments to truly appreciate the happy ones.

Sunny days wouldn’t be special if it wasn’t for rain Joy wouldn’t feel so good if it wasn’t for pain Death gotta be easy cause life is hard It’ll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred

Crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentation of their women.

She’s talking about trapeze. Folks that take trapeze classes call it flying. That reminds me that I need to book my next class.

Sharing fun experiences with friends is up there for me. Even if I’m just grabbing a drink and our conversation ends up being ver nostalgic, it’s always nice to make a connection with someone.

Also, completing an orienteering course without having to double back and without second guessing myself is a pretty sweet feeling. Unfortunately, I didn’t get that experience this morning.

Yes. That’s what I meant.

Book it man! My school’s outside rig opens April 1 and already sold out for April. I didn’t act fast enough and now have to wait till may:(

Seeing my CFA charter on the wall of my office in April and May, knowing that at the end if the day and on weekends, I get to go home and spend time withmy family instead of studying.

The horse in my avatar, whose 25th birthday is today.

And getting e-mails from my students telling me that they passed their exams.

I went to the university library yesterday to study and as I’m walking in I see these hot chicks running on the track, other people having fun and I’m just like shit I need to pass this test so that I can have a life next spring.

In fact, we do not want recognition, money, women and durable relationships. We want positive feelings, which these things promise to bring. In other words, we do not want the things themselves; we want the feelings that arise due to the possession of these things.

A man wants to do well; he constantly strives to comfort and tries to escape from suffering.The majority of human existence aspects are permeated by this aspiration. Does this aspiration always find its goal, i.e. happiness? My experience suggests that it doesn’t, because we see so many unhappy people.

Imagine a little mouse in a giant maze, which scented some cheese in the distance. The smell source is far away. The maze has a lot of routes, but only one of them leads to the desired piece of food.The survival instinct makes the mouse search for food and run through the maze. But the majority of routes will bring it only to dead-locks and traps.

The same thing happens with a man. His pursuit of happiness makes him run away from the poor state towards the fools’ paradise, which looms somewhere in the distance. But the majority of routes will bring him to dead-locks and traps, therefore, chances are that he will never reach the desired state of harmony and comfort.

Being in pursuit of this illusive image, people spend a lot of money, fall in love and buy expensive things. They use drugs, change their sexual partners and fanatically practice some religion.Do they reach their happiness? Not always. Reality knows a lot of unhappy people with a high income level and with a lot of power. They have everything they want, but why many of them are unhappy?Source:http://nperov.com/happiness/how-to-find-happiness-within-yourself-and-in-your-life/

Rahul, have you been copy/pasting shit from the internet?


I thought of you as a philosopher of life, conquerer of thoughts, and the ultimate spritual namaste on AF.

Your posts have provided happiness thus far but you have shattered my glistening eyes reading AF posts.

but seriously. the last post made want to throw up. i had to google it.

I think you overlooked the fact that i had mentioned the source of the article in my previous thread.

I am not a philosopher. Most of my posts are original and for the rest i always try to provide the source via a link.

If you don’t have children, are in reasonable health, and have enough sense of self that you don’t need to check constantly how you rank vs others, it’s suprisingly inexpensive to be happy.

Taking a moment to stop the wild animal sex and looking into my girls eyes while I’m inside her. Am I right or am I right?

So according to you “Having children nearly = unhappiness or expensive happiness???”

Based on my observations most people with kids are in the “expensive happiness” category.

Given a choice what would you prefer?

a)Expensive happiness

b)In expensive sadness