What kind of wasteful spending do you do?

When I grow up, I want to have the problems some in this thread have

$30 for a twelve of my favourite local brew. Some craft beer can hit $18-20 for a 6 pack.

A generic 24 pack of Canadian will run you $45 in my town. And of course that’s undrinkable garbage.

Running a liqour store is definitely something I’ve considered.

I spend £5 - £10 a day on food when I could easily ask my gf to make me something in the morning whilst shes doing hers. It’s for a stupid reason too, I don’t want the hassle of carrying a lunchbox around, so I piss away £200 a month on lunch.

I also have over 16 different watches.

16 watches is very wasteful. as long as they’re not hugely expensive, it’s ok

I waste my precious time on AF

Also: Part-time MBA


I’m sitting here thinking it must be nice going to restaurants every night. I probably go out twice a month. I live a frugal life because I don’t make as much (yet).

you looking to unload any?

I use disposable toilet paper and drink bottled water on occasion. I don’t really feel that bad about it. Yeah, I have a job. Yeah, I made $10 last year. Yes, sometimes I find pennies on the ground. I’m not trying to brag. These are just facts. But even if I’m pretty well off, I still want to spend my fortune well. Even if you aren’t balling like I am right now, you need to know how to not blow all of your money in case you find a quarter or someone gives you a dollar some day. I’d bet most of you can’t even tell me the cost of each calorie you’re burning right now

My time is valuable to me. I’m very fortunate to make enough money so that I don’t have to hunt for dried beans and lentils all day. I can spend that time doing leisure activities like sitting, walking, or budgeting. I can plan for my future, and come up with ways to make even more money.

“I use disposable toilet paper”

What is the alternative? Reusable toilet paper? (!)

I pay very little attention to what I spend, so I have to assume that at least some of it is wasteful.

on my gf crying

^ She better be a HCB, if not it is wasteful spending.

You feed your cats catfood? What a waste! With a can of catfood you can lure and trap 2 or 3 cats to sell in the market. Sorry to disturb you on your way to the millionaire’s club, mr. moneybags. Pack up your $20,000 suit in your Bentley and get back to your plantation, Mr Rockefeller.

I don’t have hugely expensive tastes, though they have been inching up over time. I like a nicely designed watch, but I do think spending $1000s on a watch is silly. My watches tend to be in the $200-$500 range. Perhaps I will find one worth the big bux one day. BSD’s will turn up their nose, of course, but most other people like my choices.

Lately, I’ve learned to love good shoes. It started with good dance shoes, but worked its way into the rest of my wardrobe. I’ve had a bit of shoe fetish on women since a girlfriend 15 years ago showed me that I hadn’t been paying proper attention to women and their shoe choices and what those shoes can do for their walk.

I also bought some Lululemon men’s athletic wear last week. The material is awesome and the GF highly approves of the way it makes me look. As a guy who dances, I like that they have stuff that can pass for regular trousers, but stretches when needed and whisks sweat away. If you dance well, women don’t care as much if you’re sweaty, but it’s is nice not to be all drippy when you first embrace her.

I’ve decided that one often wears the same few athletic outfits over and over, so it can be worth paying a premium for good fitting, good looking, well-made stuff that doesn’t fall apart when you wash it.

Finally, I live in an expensive town. Some of the prices people complain about here seem like average costs in New York. My family probably considers the fact that I live in New York my most profligate expense.

^Totally with you on shoes, so many people ruin a good suit with some cheap ass, ill-fitting, square toe piece of crap.

Not at the moment, maybe in the future as i’m saving up for a new dress watch and could really do with getting rid of the ones that don’t get much wrist time. I’ll be the first to admit that I have a problem, my watch collection is probably worth a couple multiples more than all my electronics.

I have to live in the active, central part of my city, which means I pay 2x rent instead of commuting 30 minutes.

I go out to $100 per person dinners probably 3-4 times per month, and eat out several times per week. I’m disappointed about half the time.

I can’t wear dress shoes that aren’t made in Italy, Switzerland, France, or the UK. Same thing with dress shirts.

I shop at Whole Foods.

Oh you fancy huh

i tell everyone that quality shoes are very important and ppl should not go cheap on shoes

yea she is wish her folks were rich tho