Who got Greenie's back?

F the level 1’ers, 80 per cent of them will never even sniff the L3.

Agree with Greenman, but there’s no point to shove it in their faces. It’s like telling a fat, ugly girl that you’ll never get a rich, good looking husband.

hahaha. So earlier this month I went out with a slightly chubby girl. Total 4-ish and hooked up with her a couple of times. Could tell she was pleased with herself for thinking she landed this almost-CFA, BSD. So she seemed pretty sad in the texts she sent me after she realized I was never going to see her again. Oh well. At least she already had 2 cats so she has a head start on her way to cat island.

I wish they would be harder initially 8% passing rate doesn’t cut it. It needs to be more 1-2%.

CSK is being sarcastic.

Lol… We talking about a fatty with two catties? NEEEEEEEEXT!!!

What about entry level trainee roles?

As long as they feel you have decent aptitude they’ll train you themselves

But he was talking about any job.

Corporate jobs include sales,marketing,admin etc etc

But you’se wanted finance only no?

We talk frequently at my office about the costs and benefits of the CFA program. How would your career be different if you spent a similar number of hours on a different skillset? Coding, public speaking, reading books, etc. Who knows? But I think it is important to consider the time commitment (lots) and opportunity costs of other things you could be doing. There are more time efficient ways to get into finance.

I’m glad I finished the CFA program before I had kids, I’m not sure if I would make it through with a young family. Much respect to those who balance a busy life with studying, and best of luck.

I approve Greenie’s message.

As was I. Thanks though.

The problem is that most don’t have the discipline to do something productive with their free time. Since I passed the exams, I spent those “300 hours” a year surfing the net and posting here.

I gotcha back too Greenie. Good message. Tough love.

I got Greenie’s back – metaphorically, not literally (no homo)

To the naysayers out there…“You can’t handle the truth!” – Jack Nicholson as Col. Jessup in “A Few Good Men”

The funny thing is–I never meant it to be really tough.

I thought (and most people probably do) that CFA can’t be that much harder than the CPA exam… I also thought that Levels 2 and 3 can’t be much harder than Level 1. These were the notions that I was trying to dispel. I had hoped that by telling people how much worse it got at Levels 2 and 3 that they might stop wasting their time and money.

I expected a little pushback, but not this.

Nigga, you ain’t man enough for these buttocks.

Sir-Mix-A-Lot would LOOOOOOOOVE me!!!

You sound like a good guy. I hope you make it this June.

I think most level threes that stick around are just tired of seeing the same kinds of people roll through here, asking stupid questions about what calculator to use, what requirements there are, and if pens are okay. These questions can easily be answered without wasting a byte of forum bandwidth. And then we have put up with “how’s my study plan” or “I’m feeling unmotivated because x, y, and z”. The thing it boils down to is this: these kids aren’t doing their due diligence, aren’t doing their research, and aren’t using the search function, and then we get people like Greenman who sees this and can’t see how these guys could possibly learn the material and pass L3. How could such uncreative, unmotivated and anti-go-getters possibly put forth the effort and discipline required? I can forgive this for candidates fresh out of school, the maturity hasn’t caught up yet, but overall, Greenman isn’t wrong.

And if I have to hear about another candidate ‘giving’ an exam, Imma flip my shit. You are not the proctor, you are taking the exam!

I remember when I signed up for it, I thought it’d be a textbook at most.

When I came home from work one day, i had my hands full and saw the CFA materials box. I was like meh, so I opened my door and tried to slide it in my foot. “the hell is in this box?”

Put my stuff down, went back out, saw the ups label say 12 lbs… I was like, must be some hardcover books and welcome material. Must be packaged up really well.

Then I set all 6 books on my kitchen island and was like, maybe they sent me all 3 levels of books by mistake?


People saying ‘giving the exam’ is the reason I stopped lerking and started posting…I don’t know why but those posts really ‘roll my oats’

^ all the brown negros say that.