Who on the Forum would you meet and why?

^I recommend a large Big Green Egg.

For some reason everytime you post your points go down. You should be in the several thousands. I think Chad hates you.

I would like to meet Prophecy because:

“Since there is no randomness in the stock market, i also don’t believe there is any randomness in our daily lives. Many things happen to us because they are bound to happen. We simply can not control those things. If we know, then we can prepare. Sound familiar? We know booms and busts recur. When we have a boom, what is inevitable? No matter what we do, what must occur? An inevitable bust. The key word is inevitable. Things happen to us because they are inevitable. But it doesn’t mean we can’t do anything about it. Ever wonder why some men peak and never peak again? Other men peak and continues to peak. What is so special about these men? I can see a lot of these similarities in the way stocks move as well.”


it’s probably because my name wasn’t PG for the first few months of the new website. the FCC gave him a hard time for supporting sodomy.

1Bigstudmuffin, Higgs, ohai, itera, STL because they make me laugh a lot.

Lots of others here I’d love to meet as well.

former trader, isildur and gringo bob

first 2 because I like their political views and there will be a lot to discuss, 3rd because he is a nice guy, in general

and Jbrowntown, to see if he/she is really the one in pic devil

NANA Hachiko. She is a beauty blogger so I would love to gossip with her about cosmetic and skin care stuffs … So sad that she has left the forum :(. She seems to be a nice person…

^ yea some of you folks drove NANA away. we can’t retain females here

Sorry . . . it was an accident.

it stings

Hahaha thanks, you too man! Definitely would like to grab beers sometime. By the way, I looked at the Dinosaur BBQ menu and they got some kosher stuff. We cool.

Paul wall is the shiznit

Kosher BBQ?

Seems wrong somehow…

I was named, but I’m keepin it real, so it kind of goes with the territory.

Dinosaur BBQ does have fried green tomatoes. You can either get them crispy fried original, or fancy which the website describes as “topped with homemade pimento cheese and house-cured chow chow.”

It occurred to me that I left Greenman off my initial list, and for this, I am truly sorry.

No words of protest from CFAvsMBA… now I’m back to thinking that he’s white.

^ Yeah Wendy, you totally busted me. I’m that dude in real life.

I revise my statement. I would definitely like to meet you (no homo).