Why do you want a new job?

Wow! That’s real tough on an anonymous forum.

Have any of you had a job where you basically liked everything except the compensation? If so, what was your reason for wanting to leave when you were interviewing with other shops? I think bchadwick’s suggestions are really good, and the fact is that people on the buy-side will frequently move around as they put their services up for the highest bidder. But realizing that compensation makes you look like somewhat of a flight risk for the reasons bchadwick mentioned, what other reasons would you cite as your desire to explore the market or have conversations with other firms?

Before I got a decent size raise (because I was leaving I got a 40% bump) I was looking only because of my comp. I typically wouldnt be too straight-forward about the point that I was looking mostly because of comp. Even now, if I am looking, I will usually compare the roles (the one I am looking vs. current position) and find points that make sense as to why someone would be looking. So if the new position doesnt have travel, I can make part of it I want to travel less (I travel a lot now), or it could be functional, growth, etc. Regardless of my real reasons, I would rarely throw comp in there because I dont want to be viewed as a flight risk, as you say.

“My compensation has not risen in line with my responsibilities” is a perfectly reasonable reason to be looking. Again, you are citing a mismatch. And what you are ccommunicating is that of your compensation is in line with the job description, you aren’t a flight risk.

That explanation will immediately invite a question about what is the appropriate compensation you are looking for, so be sure to be prepared to describe what you do and what your research says the market pays for that kind of work if asked.

Remember that a company will naturally want the best compensation deal they can swing, but they should also be willing to pay a fair price for the wwork they want you to do or they are not serious.

In the end run it is always about compensation or future compensation (cashflow). When i interview, i value honesty the most, so if some one is upfront with me about higher comp, i appreciate that

Actually it isn’t always about that. Compensation is always an important dimension to a job change decisions, but there are plenty of cases where people get paid well but don’t want to have to put up with the cr*p that the company throws at them and are willing to work for less if it means having to put up with less stupid stuff from coworkers or managers.

However, I agree that it is generally not such a bad thing to hear, honestly, that compensation is the motivator in any one particular case.

If there’s any industry to say compensation is the most important reason, this is it. Finance is a bottom line industry.

May be bouncing out of NYC. Final job interview Friday for a competitor.

What city you headed to?

Wow, that was fast. We need to hit up Dinosaur BBQ before you go. Or maybe Hudson River Cafe or Covo. Are you game?

CFAvsMBA, let’s grab beers before you leave NYC is that cool?

CFAvsMBA, let’s grab beers before you leave NYC is that cool?

Just saw bchadwick’s post too…I’d be in for Covo

I’d totally be game. Let’s not put the cart before the horse. I need to rock the interview, get the offer, humm and haw over the offer, counter, counter again, then either accept or reject. I’ll be in town for a good month still before plans to leave are even made.

Dinosaur BBQ would rock!

I would LOVE to hit up the BBQ with you guys. Not sure how I could swing that though.

C’mon Blackie. We’ve been insulting each other for nearly 2 years on AF, it’s about time we meet in real life. We’ll even get Iteracom in on the fun.

I’ll see what I can do. I do want to get up to NYC to visit the AF’ers.

Also, good advice from Black Swan and bchadwick early in this thread. Should be bookmarked.

Well, Dinosaur BBQ sounds like a good idea whether you get the job or not. It’s just a matter of choosing a date and time.

Covo is good too, but I got the sense that Dino BBQ is more up CFAvMBA’s alley.

I want to meet iteracom in real life. I imagine conversations like this

iteracom: How are you?

Guy: I lost 10 pounds and my son just had his first birthday.

iteracom: Those achievements mean nothing. I suggest taking a razor to your ball sack.

Guy: Wait what?

iteracom would be complaining about the high cholesterol and saturated fat content in the BBQ and how Dinosaur BBQ doesn’t sell strawberry milk since beer is bad for you. He is the male version of Debbie Downer.