Women's March --> PA did you see this?

Vice bruv, I don’t know if you realize it but you are exactly like those sensitive snowflakes you are trying to mock. I mean I don’t know what to tell you but if you are going to take everything as some sort of personal smear on your character then the next few years are going to be pretty darn uncomfortable.

Or are you just an alternate troll account of every triggered whining victim card-playing White guy nowadays? Is that what this is?

Probably they are a bunch of single moms, they told their sons heat up frozen pizzas, while they protest Trump to “make the world a better place”. Sons will grow up to be the messed up Trump-like personalities they are protesting. The irony! surprise

^ You can bet none of these loudmouth drama-queen special-snowflakes knows how to cook a dinner or vacuum in between the sofa cushions.

Was this so different from what I wrote? Should I have said a march through Compton, because that would surely be a sight to see…

I can’t tell if you’re taking things too literally or honestly offended.


Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government, or society itself into improvement.[1] Although satire is usually meant to be humorous, its greater purpose is often constructive social criticism, using wit to draw attention to both particular and wider issues in society.

It’s like a badge of honor to not know how to cook these days. I guess if you say you can’t, you’re a feminist and even if can, you won’t have to do it, sad. Almost every single girl I’ve gone out with recently “I like to travel, drink wine, and try new restaurants” Can’t recall any of these women demanding equality when the check comes!

I sense a lot of overvaluation in these markets, open to emerging markets for sure.

So many wrong assumptions in this post that I wouldn’t know where to start.

I won’t even bother though, since I think that you are a troll account.

Lol ok. Got me. surprise

to be fair, if this were a march of millennial “males” you can be pretty sure none of them would know how to change a car’s oil or fix a leaky faucet. It’s not a gender thing. It’s your corporate state cultivating a race of dependents and victims.

TBF I am the first to ridicule these pussies, but I have absolutely no clue how to do these things.

The difference I think is that you’re likely intelligent enough to figure it out if you had to or have a job that pays well enough to hire someone to figure it out. These snowflakes can’t do either of those and blame the system for their shortcomings.

I think the issue with Millennials is not that they can’t do it, or don’t want to, but the feeling of entitlement to the extent that they feel they are too good to do these things.

Life requires elbow grease and attention to detail to small things before moving on to bigger things. In this toddler-to-iPhone age, some phases of life seem skipped or overlooked as if they were not important. Where have the first jobs where you earn the value of a dollar gone? It seems they are still there but Millennials want to cut corners, yet earn $15/hr. The attention span also seems to be that of a small infant. Where has the ability to focus gone? I don’t even try to explain complex subjects to some Millennials anymore, I seem to be just planting seeds and along for the ride.

Maybe they will solve some technological leap, breaking ground in medical nanotechnology, only the future knows.

But, back to rights, Asians, specifically Chinese have really been through a lot and have bitched the least. When some immigrants from China moved to San Fran, they were treated like crap and largely had to cook food as they weren’t allowed to work in many jobs. This Americanized Chinese food is largely a result of the ability of the Chinese people to do the best with the opportunities presented to them.

While this first generation American Chinese didn’t have the opportunities for normal advancement in life, they took their extremely hard work ethic and passed it along in the family so that when their sons and daughters saw the opportunity to work hard and excel, they jumped at the chance.

scarjo is good thought right?


Stupid March.

Good points over the last 10 posts or so.

Wow, my FB feed is so cheesy this morning. “Without women nothing is possible” one liberal dude writes, “women are powerful”, “feeling very proud of the all the women that I know who are out today in force”, it goes on and on.

I agree with Steve Bannon on this; he said in a speech about the Wall Street protests, that it shows these people have no clue how the world works, which tells us something about the education system, and education/values learned in the home. Walking around blocking traffic, waving touchy feely signs, seeking attention, validation, clicking like…does nothing. It’s a very unhealthy naivete.

The other funny thing, it was precisely this obsession with women, and with identity in general, that in part led to this backlash. The liberals just don’t learn.

Do you have a conclusion you would like to share? The opening paragraph is a rambling mess that acknowledges inequality and unfairness based on race or country of origin and seemingly goes on to say that because it is possible to be successful people should shut up and put their head down?

The Whiteness is strong with this one.

^ Again to quote Bannon; “the Chinese are living the American dream”.

Meaning they actually believe that with hard work, and saving responsibly, dreams are possible. What prior American generations believed (perhaps from the 50s). This is very different from Millennials who think they are entitled to something for no work. I think that was the point.

Millenials do not like racism and misogyny. This appears to have triggered a good amount of White Men who prefer the status quo and for everyone to just shut up and deal with it and this is not a protest that has social nets or handouts as it’s central theme which you disagree with.

The Whiteness is strong with this one as well.

I went to the Boston march today. I’m glad I did. The turnout was ridiculous. Fun day.

Good stuff yes

By all accounts - peaceful, respectful and co-ordinated with numbers hitting close to Obamas inaugration rally.