
Interesting! I never heard of that before. might try.

Just be aware… It might feel a little claustrophobic when you look at the bottom of the chair. As if you are trapped or something.

and of course to show off our wounds to the women.


and if they’re wearing lulu lemon pants, they’ll show you their wounds

and if they’re wearing lulu lemon pants, they’ll show you their wounds


or may be their gross panties wink … c’mon guys

What’s the deal with your left shoulder? I’m starting to feel pain…it’s been a month now.

Ha ha, I’m a no fru-fru kind of guy. But I ride and die by thescientific method. The benefit is likely due to the fact you were not doing any mindfulness activities previously. The difficulty of the yoga poses forces mindfulness achieving the same kind of result that a sitting meditation would. I personally believe everyone should exercise both physically and mentally. Yoga and meditation train mindfulness and concentration, which are key to being a boss.

If you are interested in that psychic benefit stuff, this is a good start:

The only yoga I’ve done is P90X as well. A friend of mine who is a yoga instructor said that the P90X yoga is actually quite challenging compared to the yoga most people do. He said some of it was fairly advanced. I did P90X with a college workout session in the gym. The first week we had Yoga, there was an extra 30 females coming because they all loved yoga. That was the last time they showed up for the class. They all said it was too hard lol I never did get good at the second half of the workout, with all those crazy balance postures.

this guy right here…this is the guy.

I’m starting to come around to the idea that mental training is just as important as physical. I’m reading a book by a former navy seal on how to train mental toughness, which is required to perform at the highest level. his breathing and meditation techniques are difficult indeed. the difficulty i have is finding the time to do this AND a vigorous 1.5+ hour workout in a day. maybe i sleep too much.

this is the only yoga i’ve done also. my wife, who has been going to classes for a while, also had difficulty with it when she tried it. she said it would probably be a ‘level 3’ class if that means anything to anyone.

If you are interested about how the mind performs at the highest evels i really recommend Dr Steve Peters.

He is involved in major sports organizations now and his book is lovely.

I might reconsider yoga…

I have hot yoga planned this sunday

supyogov, you must look real funny practicing hot yoga.

^yah, thats an understatement. I’m heading there with my girl this time and i know im going to get caught looking at another girl’s ass and ill try and talk my way out of it only to dig myself deeper. Ahh, fun times to come.

This is a trap. Run.

I have to go twice a week. I hate it and I’m horrible at it, but there are some nice views and I feel great after. Did I mention I hate it ? :slight_smile:

the stench in the carpet and the sweaty azzez is a turnon as well.

Just tell hell her the heat made you disoriented

^That’ll work.

“Sorry honey. See that girl over there who’s way hotter than you? I was staring at her ass so hard I got crosseyed.”

You’re doing your downward dogs wrong, dawgs.