
And if that doesn’t work, you can always pass out :wink:

Yoga still as popular around here? I’ve recently started at it again and am getting a lot out of it. it’s a good compliment to a lifting regime.

also, was this the thread where Turd started his zen journey to become the total f uck ing crackpot he is today?

Interesting, I was thinking of trying to trace back to the time period I started to wake up. This is probably close. You think I’m a crackpot? Like, nothing I say tesonates with your soul?

also I was just thinking its time to open things up again with some yoga. I’m plateauing on my DL and cleans. Yoga really does help reset the body.

Yes. You are correct, nothing you say tesonates with my soul.

that’s not surprising. as to who that’s concerning for, I’ll let you decide.

Love that Turd’s banter is basically school yard “I know what you are but what am I?”

This thread happened in 2014? Time flies when you are woke. Just curious, but was the awakening associated with the Alex Jones stuff or are they separate processes?

I’ve tried to do yoga once a week for past couple months. It’s good but I don’t think it’s nearly as effective as meditation, but it is much easier and requires less will power because it feels active

AJ serves two purposes: (1) it trolls a lot of people on here who take things too seriously (cough, yayy) – used to get a real kick out of that but realized it’s counter-productive so i try to keep it to a minimum; and (2) it contains little tidbits of truth that I hope would begin to resonate with whoever is ready to think outside the box. People are too fixated on the information itself and not the act of listening to something that doesn’t fit their idea of reality with suspension of rational judgment in favor of listening with intuition. It’s a pretty cool revelation when you realize all knowledge originates from within, not without. We don’t learn things, we unlock them.

This is when you start to talk nonsense. All knowledge originates from within? wtf are you talking about?

troof. stop and think about it and you’ll see. If you believe in an infinite god who created existence (existence is just an expression of god everywhere and in all things) and you are a part of god then how can it be any other way? That would be nonsense.

“The fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge.” Proverbs 1:7

Knowledge is also one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Knowledge: With the gift of knowledge, we understand the meaning of God. The distinction between wisdom and knowledge is that wisdom gives the desire to know the things of God, whereas knowledge is the actual power by which such things are known. The gift of knowledge is more than an accumulation of facts, it also helps us to choose the right path through life;


Well if it’s in the Bible, it’s obviously true. And I agree about the seeking out perspectives that one doesn’t identify with. But I prefer slightly more calm sources lmao

Another good source of how we acquire knowledge is Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason “Knowledge independent of experience Kant calls “a priori” knowledge, while knowledge obtained through experience is termed “a posteriori”.[4] According to Kant, a proposition is a priori if it is necessary and universal. A proposition is necessary if it could not possibly be false, and so cannot be denied without contradiction. A proposition is universal if it is true in all cases, and so does not admit of any exceptions. Knowledge gained a posteriori through the senses, Kant argues, never imparts absolute necessity and universality, because it is always possible that we might encounter an exception.[

Is this supposed to refute what I’ve said?