Intern--What should I make her do?

I get my second intern today, I am not sure what kind of things I should make her do. THe first intern was pretty much an envelope stuffer, he was in high school though. This girl is in Ugrad and I need some good (relevant) ideas. Although I will consider the crazy ones too. What would be fun for an intern? Or fun for me to make an intern do?

Tell her to formulate your investment philosophy and then continually reject what she comes up with as being too basic, too complicated, to one sides, too “boil the ocean”, too macro, too bottom up, too anything.

eureka Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Tell her to formulate your investment philosophy > and then continually reject what she comes up with > as being too basic, too complicated, to one sides, > too “boil the ocean”, too macro, too bottom up, > too anything. hahahahahaha. I might try this today (her first day) just to mess with her. Then tomorrow accept everything she says. +1 for using annoying jargon (re: Boil the Ocean).

Whats her number on the richter scale nupps?

transferpricingCFA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Whats her number on the richter scale nupps? I’ll reply when I am not at work.

What do you do exactly? That would be useful to know in terms of giving suggestions. Otherwise…eh have her do some kind of research for you or something

I would have her do jumping jacks.

Im a portfolio analyst

Aren’t you an intern already? What do you do? Help an advisor with client presentations? Get coffee during quarterlies?

have her back fill financials and summarize MD&As…great intern work!

CPAbeatsCFA Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > summarize > MD&As…great intern work! AMAZING!

Ask her to research CFA vs MBA.

This should give you some ideas - Something like, “I need you to build a spreadsheet of xxx” (make sure its abstract) For this project, I really need attention to detail but don’t spin your wheels. At the end of the day, just ballpark it. Take your time and make sure its right but make sure you have it to me by the end of the day. I need it for a presentation next month.

Have her do some attribution analysis

plant tulips?

This thread had so much potential. I’ve been let down. Seriously, ask her if she can set up a strip hedge for you. She can’t sue you.

Ask her what she can do to grow your assets.

Are you on the sales or analytical side? Portfolio Analyst could mean alot of things. Throw her a VBA book and give her three weeks to make all your spreadsheets more efficient.

Strongly suggest you make her learn excel like a ninja [which will be a useful thing, no doubt] but make sure it’s also a complete pain in the butt for her. Give her a huge [several thousand data points] excel file. Tell her you need [whatever] done with it as far as charts, graphs, etc. Stuff that’ll involve plenty of research, learning excel on the fly, copy+pasta, etc. Then, walk over to her computer, and unplug the mouse. Explain that she’ll get it back when the project’s done, but for now it’s the best way for her to learn. I think a lot of analysts already know how to alt+tab and run most of excel with a keyboard only, but there are plenty of companies that deny you a mouse to force you to learn. Now, my reason for suggesting this is twofold. First, she’ll learn excel much better than most people ever learn it, just because she won’t be right clicking, selecting “copy”, clicking a new window, right clicking, selecting “paste”, etc, whenever she needs to do data-entry again. So she’ll learn something useful. However, if you want to crush her spirit, you need to come up to her with “real” work once she’s like, 80% done with whatever you asked her to do and tell her to “back-burner” project A so that she can focus on the much more important “project B”. Explain to her that you can circle back once you get all your ducks in a row, but until then assume that it’s a highlander scenario with her and [name of high school intern]. A highlander scenario doesn’t exist, as far as I know, but you should strongly imply that when it comes down to her and the other intern, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.

yes this thread has been a huge let down. its probably because everyone is just too busy studying for June 5 to be creative…i like the summarize MD&A request and excel modeling with no mouse…that would be the finest torture and she would probably quickly leave the finance world. caution - you’ll probably lose that client account if thats someone’s daughter.