I make less than my twin ?

I went to the same university as a co-worker who has the same job title, and we started working at the same time (first jobs). We took so many classes together, I always did much better than him. We played the same sports. We even have the same look going on, not that it is relavant.

I am a Level III candidate, he has done nothing since school. Our company started him earning 43% more than I do. I would say it is performance, but it was starting pay, so they did not get to see either of us perform.

In a couple of months we will be both up for review because it would be the end of our 6 months probation. Any idea why the firm could be under paying me? Is it wise to open the topic, or should I just suck it up. Four years degree and Level III, I cant afford to buy a car…

Are you sure that you are being underpaid so much (you confirmed that his salary is 43% more)? Do you have the exact same job function?

Yes, I think you should inquire and bring it up tactfully. Also, do you think what you are being paid is average for the job you do?

Same exact job function, both credit analysts. I have a minor in computer science (he does not). So I found a way that enables me to see the pay of everyone in the system. Not really hacking, just a bug in the software that allows you to see hidden information if you know where to go.

My pay is below what people anyone with my education or job title earns, however I am not sure how to bring up the issue. These are tough times, and maybe firms dont like ungreatful employees, despite the fact that they are being paid bread crums.

Let’s just get this over with… are you of a significantly different demographic compared to your coworker (i.e. ugly minority guy vs. hot blond girl)? Not trying to imply anything negative about you, but subtle discrimination is all over the place. Also, do you require a work sponsorship visa or other form of leverage your employer has over you?

Born in same town, same race, both sponsored by the company, same religon.

It seems to they pay depending on what the feel an employee will accept. He comes from a more wealthly family and he would not put up with my pay. It is a very smart way to cut costs, but I sure affects efficiency, I am making sure he is 40% more efficient than me.

On the bright side, if you start looking for a job where people will pay you better, you now have a better idea of how much you ought to be asking for.

But it sucks to know that sort of thing about you and your coworkers. I feel for you man: very demoralizing.

Thanks man. I am out trying to do my own thing, I normally would not care if he makes 400% more. But given that I cant buy a car and I am in serious debt, it hurts.

I make 40% more than the ganitor, some serious value out of CFA ans BBA. hahaha

he’s got dirt on somebody

Yeah, this is a bit confusing. Probably they thought he was a more desirable candidate at the time, so they gave him a higher offer. This could be based on any number of subjective reasons, so he’s not necessarily a better applicant than you. Otherwise, he could have just asked for more money. If “43%” means $35k to 50k, they might have just been indifferent. If it’s like $100k vs $143k, they would be less indifferent.

lol i make 22k, so in a sense both of us are very underpaid but still I would like to be underpaid by less if that makes any sense…

it is 22k tax free in Dubai, but still it is crap, people here earn more than they do in the US for doing the same job in general, at least in finance…but these are tough times so nothing i can do but show up, pay my rent and bills, eat at home, till something better comes along.

everyday above ground is a good day.

this post is ment to motivate rather than complain, so for those of you who are getting paid way more than me and are unhappy… chil… you could be me… or worse me and you could be unemployed…

wishing everyone the best…

I don’t understand this statement. You are saying its more than places in the US? If you convert it to hourly it is $10.58 (tax free). You are right, that salary is shit. If you have good experience I would leave Dubai

In general people earn more here than they would in the US. I am just in a very low paying job, with teh current market conditions many people with experience are unemployeed, so it is tough trying to make a move with less than a year or experience.

Blue eyes, blond hair, american passport, and you would earn 10 times what I earn for doing the same job in Dubai. You dont even have to be good at it, they dont care.

The fact that you make less than this other guy is fairly irrelevant. Sounds like he is really underpaid at $31k, and you are really really underpaid at $22k.

Rather than focusing on how to get wage parity with your twin, figure out how you can make a move to get a market salary.

Good point, but moving is not easy, I have friends with ten years of experience who are unable to move. Big banks in Dubai are firing left and right, not much hiring going on. Plus with some Westerners running away from their economies to Dubai, they have priority for jobs, or at least the better paying ones.

I guess for some people who have not looked for jobs recently, they don’t really know how hard is it to get a job now days…

What about green eyes and american passport?

^ you are joking, but i am not, it is on my long term to do list…

i have the green card, if the US ecnomy gets better i will go live in the U.S. for five years, get the passport, change my name to Mike Smith (or equivilant), should have a very good american accent by then since i did my high school in the US… then i would come back to Dubai and make so much more…

now the green eyes, you can pass for an american without green eyes, but if you got blue eyes and blonde hair you would get paid more cause people who walk in your firm can see you, and if they see that your firm can afford to hire americans, it send a positive signal…

So bizarre. I heard this happens in China as well. Companies can actually rent white people to attend product launches and whatever to make themselves look good.

If companies are able to pay someone more for the colour of their skin and eyes, is it really worth trying to figure out what reason they might have for paying some other guy a little bit more money. Maybe he’s from a better cast or something, or he was wearing the right brand of shoes to the interview.

Did this guy maybe have another offer from another company and they matched it? Bargaining power like that is usually what gets you more money.


Yeah, I’m guessing competing offer.

That’s what did it for me.

edit: Actually, I’m guessing it was a mix between competing offer and him out-shining you during the interview process. Not to be mean, but your ability to perform in academic situations and your ability to perform in interview/on-the-job situations don’t always mesh.

Is this really that underpaid for something entry level after you adjust for standard of living? Not really sure about the diff in standard of living costs between Dubai and NYC or someplace similar.