I Need a Mentor

All the trolling aside I need a Mentor .Please dont troll

No homo?

I need a mentor too. No matter what I try, I can’t beat that damn rope ladder game at Six Flags

Iterra the good thing about mentoring me that you get is you get to mentor me from scratch, No habits or major desicions made ,so no need to get rid of bad habits or reverse decisions

you need a mircale bro

This what you’re looking for?

Thanks for the fun comment, I am sure

with mentoring and the right attitude I can be better than this

If you agree to mentor XRAY, you have to mentor his 15 other accounts as well.

Sir,I have no other account that I know of,Its my Dream to be able to reach somewhere In my life where I can mentor others,As I said before I am like a flat land,nothing has to be destroyed for my mind to take shape :smiley:

I will start a mentor company. The demand is there.

ah but is the land fertile with natural resources, or a barren wasteland of sand?

@XRAY, Develop the right attitude and you won’t need a mentor. Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results (and from your posts it is apparent you are anything but unhappy!). It’s always fun to do the impossible (making it I’m possible). You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden mantra. You’ve got to get out there yourself and make it happen for/to yourself. Go ahead and map out a course of action and follow it to an end but remember, it requires…courage and self-belief for ever. Don’t worry much about what critics say, though there will always be difficulties arising which wuld tempt you to believe that your critics are right. I like what HG Wells said, “The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow.”

@Itera-You should know better some countries without natural resources have done far better than those with them.eg japan vs iraq.Its no skill to develop this fertile and full of natural resources to a heaven.In my opinion I can give you the challenge of turning a wasteland into something good.

@ mygos-You are mentoring me right now,I agree with you completely,to tell you the truth .Mentors are not that easy to get hold of and after a while you come to hate them,then you realise they are humans just like yourself.You gave me some golden advice there.

Few questions:

1)Why you need a mentor from AF?Do you think any one will have spare time to mentor guys like you?

2)If you really need a mentor than find it near your place of origin or where currently you are staying.

3)In today’s world of internet era…you don’t need a mentor…just read good blogs…I think numi sir writes some really good blogs as to how break into ER/MA etc.

Thanks RR You are a star.By Mentor I dont mena one like martial arts movies or such,who spends their time on a bum like me,I just mean someone who can guide my career from time to time.The internet and google has introduced me to AF.

Ok XRAY, I will mentor you, but it’s not free. The price to pay is that you stop posting on AF for one or two years.

Also, I get paid before I start working.

Do we have a deal ?

Done deal

I want a mentor too…does anyone want to mentor me? (no homo)

^ Ask Tim Cook. He owes you for the free pub you’ve given his company.

Why doesn’t Xray’s other account mentor this account.