***Any RUSSIAN SPEAKING CFA Candidates*** anywhere in the world? reply here

Hotelos bi poznakomitsya i bit v kontake s Rysko yazichnimi kandidatomi CFA. Mi mozhem Ryskyu grypy sobrat, i cherez etot forum poznakomitsya dlya: idei, znakomstva, informatsei, ili pomoch v ychebe/raboti. Ya dymau shto y mnogix nas sdes est’ tezhe interesi, ya nam vsem bilo bi interesno po obshyatsya… Lyboi level zdes welcome. Pishite otveti zdes, ili preshlite personalnoe sobshenie Alexm515@yahoo.com bydy rad ot vas slishat. -Sasha-

Ya pishu L3. Ya is Toronto. Toshe sasha ili, Alex…:slight_smile:

Privet, ya tozhe pishu L3. NYC. Zovut Tanya :). Voobwe-to est’ russko-yazychnoe cfa community na LJ – http://community.livejournal.com/cfa_ru/profile

Privet vcem. pishu L2. Amerikanets sdes v Los Angeles… ya prepodaval angliskii yasik v Tulskoi oblatsti (Yasnaya Poliana) i rabotal perevodchikom v Moskve… v 03-04 rodu…

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Privet Vsem! L1 v dekabre. iz NYC. priyatno so vsemi poznakomitsya. --> Danteshek - russkii u tebya prosto super. wow

Ya tozhe otchen rad so vsemi poznokomitsya! Ya dymau nas sdes skoro bydet otchen mnogo, mozhet kak odnoklasniki soberem 15M? A mozhet i net :). Kakie y vas interesi? Chem zanimaetes? Alex privet, ti pishesh L3 v Une? Kak podgotovka edet? Danteshek - Ryksi prosto super kak Aikacfa govorit, ti molodets. Kstati ya shas vozle tebya v San Diego hotya ne nodolgo, skoro bydy opyat v NYC. Tanya i Aikacfa, vozmozhno shto mi sosedi? Chut chut o sebe. Имя: Александр Откуда: Сан-Диего, США Место жительства: Нью-Йорк, США Возраст: 25 Уровень кандидата: L1, pishy L2 Образование: высшее (финансы) Интересы: рынок ценных бумаг, инвестиции, банковский сектор Rad slishat ot vas…pishite

Ryski shrift zdes ne proshol, ladno bydem pisat angliskimi bykvami. Ya tozhe otchen rad so vsemi poznokomitsya! Ya dymau nas sdes skoro bydet otchen mnogo, mozhet kak odnoklasniki soberem 15M? A mozhet i net :). Kakie y vas interesi? Chem zanimaetes? Alex privet, ti pishesh L3 v Une? Kak podgotovka edet? Danteshek - Ryksi prosto super kak Aikacfa govorit, ti molodets. Kstati ya shas vozle tebya v San Diego hotya ne nodolgo, skoro bydy opyat v NYC. Tanya i Aikacfa, vozmozhno shto mi sosedi? Tanya sposibo za link, ne znal ob etom community…klas nas eshe bolshe. Chut chut o sebe. Imya: Sasha ili Alexander Ot kyda: San Diego Shas Zhivy: NYC Vozrost: 25 Kandidat: pishy L2 Obrozovanie: BA - Finasi Interesi: rynok tsenix bymag, investitsii, bankovski sektor. Rad slishat ot vas…pishite

Privet Vsem, Imya: Roman, seichas zhivu v Atlante, rabotau v korporativnyh finansah. Pishu L2 v Ijune. Naschet ruskoyazichnoj gruppi interesno, mne amerikanec, s kotorim ja rabotaju, on tozhe beret CFA (3iy raz - L2) , skazal: ‘You russians always pass the exam and then say it is easy. You are just screwing the curve for the rest of us". Nadeus’ tak;)

Imya: Lyuk (ili Luka - kak xochesh’ :slight_smile: Ot kyda: Washington D.C. (rodilsya), NYC (s 2 do 6), Parikh, Fransia (7-14), (universitet v CT 18-22), Los Angeles (14-18, 23-26) Shas Zhivy: Los Angeles Vozrost: 26 Kandidat: pishy L2 Obrozovanie: BA - Historii Interesi: investistii (investment management institutional sales), ruskii yazyk :slight_smile: Dedushka imigriroval v USA v 1938-40om rody… ubejal… bil brigadier i potom diplomat…(krasni) umer davno… Alexander Gregorievich Barmine… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Barmine

Roman…‘You russians always pass the exam and then say it is easy. You are just screwing the curve for the rest of us". Nadeus’ tak;) ya tozhe nadeus shto bydet tak. Ti znaesh na L2 ya silno ne vizhy tezhologo predmeta, mozhet tolko derivatives. No eti vignettes, eta fishka…nado previknyt na nix otvechat. Hotya v statistike mne tochno fingal nabut, no ya s etim smirilsya. Lyuk - y tebya tselaya istoriya mesto zhitelstva… pol mira obexal! Ti yveren shto ti amerikanets? Po razgovoru ne skazhesh. Mozhet ti ot ryskix naychilsya v Los Angelese, tam ix navalom, ya znau chasta tam bivau. Guys Esli est’ koi kokie voprosi po programe L2, chem smogy pomogy…

Sasha, Predemti v osnovnon ne slozhnye, no mnogie voprosi slozhnie :). Vrode vse predemti ponimaju, a kak nachnu brat’ practice testy - ne mogu vibratsya is 60h procentov.

Znaesh mogy tebe posovetovat vot shto. Ya proshol cherez formula sheet i nashol te veshe toshto ne znau na 100%, ili vobshe pripomnit ne smog i postavil nakleiki tyda, shtob kogda bilo vremya imeno konsentrirovatsya na tom. Zdelai sebe 1 chas kazhdi den do 7 junya chista na to shtob ti povtoryal toshto na etoi formula sheet, eto otchen vazhno. Ya yveren shto cherez nedelu ti pokroesh bolshenstvo i eto tebe pomozhit s voprosami. Plus kogda ti bydish dymat o pridmete tebe bydit prihodit v golovy formula sheet. Poprobyi dymau pomozhet… Ya tozhe shas gdeto v high 60’s low 70’s, no hotelos bi bit v high 70’s low 80’s…practice makes perfect. A i she odny vesh mogo posovetovat. Popitaisya pokrit 100 voprosov v den, bydet trydno i skoree vsego ti smozhesh gdeto sdelat 60-80 no tenis k 100. 30 dnei x 100 = 3K that should work out fine… Sdelaesh eto i vse bydet “ok”.

Privet, narod! Imya: Volodya Gorod: Toronto Field: Corporate Finance do etogo equity research CFA Level: 2

vsem privet Marat, Chicago, Quant, pishu Level II v iune

Privet, Viktar - DC, L1 narod - podskajite gde mojno naiti obiasnenia k schwester examenam (book6). Prosto a), b) pravil’no/ne pravil’no sovsem ne pomogaet. Thanks!

Viktar, you can ask on AF. Post a question and then ask for explanation.

maratikus Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Viktar, you can ask on AF. Post a question and > then ask for explanation. This will take too much time. What if i have 10 ?s to ask? Thanks anyway. In case anyone finds it, pls let me know!

Viktar, do you have login to schweser.com? Login to the website and go to Online Access -> Practice Exams, Performance Tracker and Explanations

tanyusha Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Viktar, do you have login to schweser.com? Login > to the website and go to Online Access -> Practice > Exams, Performance Tracker and Explanations I found it. Thanks so much to all for your help!

in NYC there are ALOT of russian people taking all levels of CFA. Most of them don’t post on this forum though.