BA II Plus VS Pro?

I know that a lot have asked that question before, but i really need to know which one shall i buy; the BA2 Plus or professional? I was going to buy the plus one but then again i hesitated…

Is there a major difference that it’s better to use the pro or the plus would be just fine?

Appreciate your help…

The only feature that I’m aware of that the professional one has that the plus does not have is computing net future value. Other than that, the only difference is the style and build quality.

And we wont need that for the CFA right?

Just buy BA II Plus Pro – NPV is a fundamental topic throughout Level I. You’ll need that feature a lot (IMO). Also, it has the ability to calculate Discounted Payback Period which is missing from the BA II Plus. Again, a topic that is covered in Level 1. There might be other differences, but those are the two I am sure of.

Thanks, I’ll get the pro then :slight_smile:

Don’t know if it’s just me but I find the buttons on the plus pro not very responsive. Spent many a time doing calcs and getting them wrong because i thought I’ve keyed in a number or whatever and it’s just skipped.

Biggest advantage to the pro is that is saves keystrokes, especially on the TVM functions, which you may need to use a lot.

To add, both are fine! but i will suggest buying the plus instead of the pro, because it might be too complicated scouting about the complexities during the exam.

I preferred the buttons on the plus, you don’t need any of the pro’s extra features, they tend to just complicate things unnecessarily. The features on the plus will do just fine. I do like that the pro has a battery door instead of forcing you to take the whole back off with a screwdriver like the plus does. The pro has a nice metal finish or whatever too. I have both, I used the pro for exams and the plus for studying because I’m really superstitious and anal retentive like that. But if I honestly had to choose one, I probably would have gone with the plus and not the pro.

Both are okk for the exam but I got the Pro and I can testify in the exam that I got 1 question correctly in as little time as possible thus saving me time in the exam so if you can afford it,go for the pro

You absolutely do not need the features in the Pro. NPV is *barely* tested on Level 1 regardless of how much it appears in the study material, and the only step necessary that the BA II Plus won’t do for you is subtract the present value of costs automatically.

BA II Plus. the best calculator for passing the exam! No need for pro.

You got me all confused again! Obviously both are sufficient and it’s a matter of preference. I am thinking to get the pro just to be in the safe side…

The way I see it, get the extra features in the Pro. That way if you need the extra features, they’ll always be there. It is not as if you’re walking into the exam with a TI-89 Titanium. I practiced my Plus Pro so much that nothing was complicated by exam day. I also can’t connect with the whole theory of the buttons being not responsive, and all. I have used numerous TI calculators (from 83s to 92s) and never had issues with their buttons. Can say the same for Plus Pro.

Yeah… so the pro it is then :slight_smile: I guess the majority goes with the pro…

It doesn’t matter! Just buy one and start using it ASAP! Make sure you’re extremely comfortable and quick with it before the exam. Only 4 months to go! Don’t procrastinate on something so trivial. Either works.

Buttons are better on the plus, I’m telling you man. Don’t come crying to me when you have crazy carpel tunnel syndrome and scraggly arthritis fingers from bench pressing those buttons all day!

The pro looks better, and once you wear in the buttons a bit they’re really nice. The extra functions are nice, but not necessary.


BA II Plus, agree!! Listen to a person that finished the program, the BA II Plus has better buttons and easy to press