Your Mock Scores

Just curious and wanted to compare myself with you guys

How did you score on official CFAI Mock Exam - the one on their site in pdf file

not randomly generated from topic questions

I completed the tests approximately 2 weeks ago and scored 71 & 78. Average 74.5.

I’m hoping my scores have increased since then (been hitting approx. 80 in Schwesers now)

Took my “unofficial” only AM 4 days ago. Scored 50% . i will take one tomorrow. How do you acess the PDF Files one?. plz tell if u can. I don’t wanna take the randomly generated topic questions. GOing to take a full to see where i stand, after reviewing for 4 days

Edit - just found it. However i only see “1 2015 mock exam”. how are people taking 4-5 exams???. Also just took a Glimpse at the Level 1 2015 mock exam and i see alot of repeat questions that i have done in topic related, and EOC. Do you guys know where i can find like old exams?

Is the pdf version different from CFAI AM&PM Mock on the site ? I did only the CFAI Mock AM and PM separately scored 78 and 71

I just scrolled through the pdf exams and the AM/PM ones that are computer generated and there are alot of repeat questions. I think they all come from the same test bank.

I remember reading a post a while back that says they have like 1,200 questions on the CFAI site or something like that and they randomly chose from these. The pdf exams seem to be picked from these as well.

I gave 2 of each AM and PM papers. They do hae some repeated questions but still you there are alot of new ones too… So it will be good practice to do the questions as many times you can.

hi all; where could i find the pdf mock on the website? thanks.

“Your mock exams” in the center of the candidate resources page.

there is no pdf mock in my candidate resources page

all i got is topic base practice one am one pm and one am pm exam online…

what is happening?

In the candidate resources pages, under tools are the headings

interactive study planner

your mock exams --> pdf mock exams

online practice tests

and so forth…

If you still can’t find them, I would suggest to call the institute

Just completed them, haven’t done any of the online practice test so unsure about the repeating questions:



Any one know if we do the online mock if its the same as the PDF version? or if there is a high possibility of repeating questions? keep in mind i haven’t done any practice tests online so have barely scrapped the surface of their “question pool” as many people have suggested.

found it , thanks a lot!

your results seem to be very good and i think u should be very confidence of passing the exam. I see that on this forum most people are getting 70% on their mocks or practice exams from schswer

as for the online practice questions, i ll say that if you complete on section once, for example 40 questions, and you will see 70% of the same questions when you redo the section… I dont know is this meant to be like that or their database is not working properly (considering the fact that something is clearly not functioning properly as my average test score for every section remain 0 after several attempts.

Had my “exam simulation” today with the 2015 CFAI Mock Exam (the pdf from the candidate resources section of the CFAI website).

I went to the university library in the morning to get the off-site feeling of the exam day in order to have it as realistic as possible.

Scored 88% in the AM and 80% in the PM, 84% on average. Keep a constant concentration level gets hard after the first half of the PM session.

Cheers, Oscar

so far i did the cfa1 am and the first mock from the schweser book, 85% and 80% so far, haven’t done any pm exams yet, looking at the scores guess they might be harder.

pretty much hit mid 60s in 3 mocks (1 mock CFAI, and 2 Schwesars from volume 2 test 1 and 2). I took the mocks about 2 weeks ago and have been reviewing EOC problems in the areas where I am weak.

I relied mostly on schwesar and only ethics for the actual reading. Probably take the AM exam of the last mock in volume 2 just to rotate a quick 120 questions tomorrow. Worked all CFA portal assessment area questions like 2-3 times.

hoping my CFA portal assessments and the EOCs filled in the gap to increase my score to passing by exam date. It is what it is!

Just completed the PDF mock 1

scored only 40% in FRA and econ, got completely destoryed in the math questions in FRA, i didnt know what to do in most of them so i skiped all math questions that i cant do.

The whole paper some how gets to exactly 60%. For those questions i didnt complete or have no clude I just leave it blank as i dont want to take account of the 1/3 chance that u pick an answer randomly u ll be correct, so if i did pick random answers i would probably had slightly more than 60%, anyway.

By the way how do you guys find the questions, i realize that they test a lot of conceptual questions where u can very much pick the right answer instantly, and i get most of my points from those questions. As for the math questions, they are quite different from those in schwesers, I keep getting a feeling that there are a lot of better questions they could have asked.

scoring around 75% now and have nearly 5 complete days for repetition

81 % AM and 74 % PM for me

found pm session way more difficult, especially alt inv and derivatives

67% in AM and 72.5% in PM, with average of 75% in ethics… I hope i pass!!