Did you pass the exams?

Only few minutes from now, the results will be sent via e-mail. Please share whether did you pass the test, re-taking the test or deciding to give-up?

And yes if any motivation for those who unfortunately missed out this time…

Passed level 1.

51-70 in FRA and PM

>70 in everything else

is anyone still waiting for their score?

Yeah Buddy!!! I did it!!

yes. Everyone I think

I haven’t received result ! :frowning:

you are not alone ameliale175. I`m also waiting:(

Good luck donmako. Good luck everyone. :smiley:

Passed! Good luck everyone :slight_smile:


51-70 for Fixed income and Alternative

>70 for everything else

I thought i have failed Ethics =))

Just got it. Passed.




Good luck and thank you all!

<70 FI, PFM, FRA

Others >70

Passed !!

I did it

Thank you Jesus

Allahu AKBAR, i passed.

Pass!!! 51-70 Econ, FRA, PM >70 everything else Not a single mock taken(ran out of time) but I WILL not make the same mistake again for level 2.

I DID IT TOO! congrats to all who passed and chin up for those who dint!

During the study phase, i felt that FRA was my weakest area followed by Derivatives. I always felt that Portfolio Management and Quantitative Methods were easy sections to score points. But, i could not be more wrong.

Anyway, I passed.

Few points to motivate engineers in their study -

I have -

  • No financial or accounting or economics background.

  • Chemical engineering bachelor’s degree with 0 work experience in finance or accounting or economics.

  • Studied for 600+ hours (being ultra-conservative in counting hours) from February to June.

  • Did not take a single mock test. Please do take the mock test. This was a mistake on my part.

It looks like i suffer from ‘Fluency Illusion’ as propounded in the book ‘How We Learn’ by Mr. Benedict Carey. If one got time, i would recommend to go through this book. It was quite an eye opening book for me.

Good luck to everyone.

My score - PM is in the range of 51% to 70%. Rest is above 70%.


Passed, cheers to past me for putting in all the hours sitting at my kitchen table…