
First of all, congrats on completing the CFA exams. Can you tell us : What is your age and how many attempts/years took you to complete the program? Thanks.

31, 4 years (failed level II once)

30 - 4 years (took a year off for the birth of a son).

26, 3 for 3, 1.5 years

23, 8 for 8… wait…

26, 3 for 3

33, 6 years Yeah baby!!

CSK nice…Did you just graduate from school?

27, just failed L3 first time and re writing june 09 when i will still be 27 but marks will come out when i’ll be 28.

27, 3 for 3

24; 3 in 1.5 years

I took L2 when I was 25 and today failed and now I am 26. Hope to finish it by 28:)

40, took 6 years total, failed Level II once & Level III twice before getting this thing out of the way, whew !

26 Just failed L3

27, failed level I twice. Done now baby!

32, 3 years

a guy i used to work with did 3 for 3 in 1.5 years and he was only 24 when he finished. but he didnt make it past the last round of layoffs last laugh baby!

He probably got let go because he spent to much time studying.

24 3 for 3 - three years…ruined my early twenties it better pay off!

28, 4 years spent in total