Why are gay men so obsessed with abs?

And why is it so important to them that they acquire a “10-pack”?

Why, are you not having success with gay men? They don’t like your soft, hairy, beer belly?

Presumably, the same reason straight men are so obsessed with boobs.

Maybe the better comparison is why straight men are obsessed with a nice stomach.

Can’t find the relation between stomach and boobs…



I don’t know if gay men are crazy about abs…but i do know this thing for sure that any “body builder” will love to have abs…

i don’t think this is confined to gay men. Fitness and training is increasingly popular with all demographics.

I dunno. Ask rahul roy


You don’t need to be gay to admire the chissled physique of Shah Rukh Khan.

Agreed, don’t think its a gay thing, i’m sure there are lots of gay guys out there that love fat guys too. Their tastes are just as varied as straight peoples. I remember watching this thing about a gay guy whose fantasy is to have intercourse with a half man half wolf creature.

^ that’s got to have been on Channel 5? or maybe Bravo.

guy must have loved watching teenwolf.

Which half is human and which half is wolf? Like, is it human from waist up, or human from waist down?

But have you ever seen an out-of-shape werewolf?

He must love watching Magnum PI.

Forget Shah Rukh, Hrithik Roshan clearly has the best abs.

Straight men and beautiful women are also obsessed with abs.

I can’t find the documentary now but it was pretty weird. It’s to do with guys who are into the whole “furry” culture and the dude comes on and basically says he fantasizes about being penetrated by one of these creatures.

He is 10 years younger than SRK and still has 6 packs only.

Every one admires good things…

Gaymen:I want to suck SRK’S abs and d*ck.

Normal men:I want abs like SRK.

you heard it gents. Straight from the horse’s mouth.