Ban all muslims

Can trump get any more dumb!! Do people actually fall for this sh*t?..

I know here in the UK, some small and marginalised sections of society may think this is a good idea…I’m curious as to how many Americans think the same…

Merikan Trump supporters in 3…2…1…

he’s not referring to an all out ban on muslims, like sending everyone away now.

if you want to have a real debate, why not give the entire context of what he said? do you work for MSNBC?

^ Haha, right on time! Sounds like a ban to me…

"a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States…". -Trump

Yeah, Trump is actually getting a little scary with his tone. While I agree Obama is way too politically correct when addressing the issues with radical Islam, a total ban makes no sense whatsoever.

This is the only way he can attract attention. Nobody is interested in his plans for economy or whatever. He has turned the whole focus towards his racism. I won’t be surprised by the fact that some low life people may support him because they are useless and pathetic. They think solution is this idiot but actually he will fuck USA and will go back to his business. American values are stronger than this shithole. I believe.

Lately I’ve come to see Trump as a necessary evil. I hope he does not become president and don’t think banning Muslims is the right way to accomplish anything. But I do think he serves as a mouthpiece for people tired of doing mental gymnastics to avoid offending anybody and tired of holding everybody but the Muslim community responsible for some of these issues.

I mean you have a couple working together while the wife pledged allegiance to ISIS, using pipe bombs and body armor and CNN is trying to act like maybe he just had a bad day at the office.

This. No rational person could agree with Trump’s plan as it stands. It’s has the feeling of racism (though Islam is not a race) and it doesn’t really address the problem.

That said, the left is completely out of touch with what is going on too; that we always must worry so much more about the backlash against Muslims than the actual threat. Additionally that somehow radical Christians are just as bad today. They could be, but the stats don’t even come close to putting them on even ground. That’s not stopping the left from going on a witchhunt and just making stuff up.

In fairness, banning all Muslims *would* probably reduce terrorism incidents in the US. It is just that the other implications of this policy would be undesired.

Agree with many of the above points. I also believe that no candidate is better at playing the media than Trump. He’s recently been losing ground to Cruz (of all people) in Iowa, but that hasn’t received much coverage in large part b/c the media is so focused on Trump. So to make sure that Cruz doesn’t get that attention (the media tends to mostly follow whoever is tops in the most recent polls), Trump issues another ridiculous proclamation to ensure a monopoly on the media coverage.

While I don’t disagree per se, do you think this is an effective course of action? Do you really believe this community will respond constructively? It’s easy to call them out, but I think if your goal is actual improvement, I have my doubts it will work.

As you undoubtedly know, there plenty of guys who do this in Europe, has it worked?

Trump polls around 30% of republicans and republicans make up about 26% of the country according to Pew, so about 8% of Americans are likely to agree with Trump. Very damning of the country, indeed.

Sure, it might.

Or they could just BAN ALL GUNS and solve their mass-killing epidemic in general.

Sounds like a ban on Muslim immigration, not a ban on Muslims.

Honest question… Do we ban adherents to other ideologies? Would we accept an vocal Nazi, for example?

Take all of this mental energy and focus it on a real problem. While these attacks are certainly sensational, I’m sure many more people are killed in many/most major metro areas in a month.

It was short sighted policies (such as banning muslim travel) that lead to ISIS.It’s like a little kid pokes a teenager so the teenager hits him, kid starts crying, teenager gets in trouble. Kid pokes him again…

Yes, that would also help - but we were not talking about that.

Banning all guns is the worst idea I’ve ever heard.

You may as well hold a sign that says “hi terrorists, attack us now”, because we’re so dumb that we’ve decided to completely disarm ourselves.

LOLed at image of itera carrying a gun.

I would guess that the longer the campaign takes, the worse it will be for Trump, since people get excited at first, then realize something is off. Remember Sarah Palin? I am surprised that he is still this popular. I am disturbed but impressed at the same time.

I just think there needs to be a level of openness to the discussion somewhere between hatred of all Muslims and pretending Syed Farook from Pakistan just had a bad day at work. So maybe we say, “Look global Muslims, this is getting out of hand. Lets work on something because elements of your religion are really turning out to be problematic.” Maybe that solves nothing in and of itself, but it at least allows for open discussion and alleviates some of the frustration for people who are tired of talking about Islamic terrorism and 2,000 years of regional strife while adding “but these people aren’t indicative of Islam as a whole” at the end of each line for fear of being called an “Islamaphobe”. In a matter of years we’ll have to avoid labeling these disturbed individuals as “terrorists” to avoid painting extremists with a broad brush lest you be called a “terrorphobe”.