Ban all muslims

Yeah, let’s make sure we never address the root of the problem Merikants.

I’m sure if you double to 2 guns per capita it will stop the terrorists.

Really? I always pictured him as that angry 30 year old in his parent’s basement saying, “You won’t be laughing at me then…”

But thats only because the media only calls it “terrorism” when it comes from a middle eastern muslim. When a white kid who is into kkk crap shoots up a black church to start a race war, its just a mentally deranged individual. The right has made sure the word terrorism only means “people not likes us” attacking us. You could call any mass shooting terrorism as the shooter is usually a weak individual who is bitter at society.

False. I’m pretty sure the media and Obama clearly labeled the Planned Parenthood white guy as a terrorist.

Gun ownership per household is lower than it was in the 1970s when mass-killings were much more rare. So I don’t your correlation between gun accessibility and mass-killings. It seems to be the product of something else in society, and the focus on guns seems counterproductive.

Right which is why the problem is the guns, not the made up “terrorists”.

Shocking that Merikans would have some statistics to throw around…and not see any correlation. [sarcasm]

Seriously guys, you do realize the rest of the world thinks you are retarded right? It’s not a hard problem to solve. You’ve got 300 million mentially ill monkeys running around with 300 million guns. How does that not end badly?

Oh, let’s ban the muslims!? Uhh no, try again.

You do realize these people had about a dozen pipe bombs they just as easily could have detonated in a crowded space?

My understanding is that they tried to use them but they were duds. Apparently they weren’t able to correctly follow the instructions they found online.

whoever support this dickhead is mentally ill…should go to mental hospital…soon…

Naw, people always say “but they would just kill each other a different way”. But we know that is not true. America is not the only country in the world, we know what works. Less guns means less deaths, simple as that.

Right, people are too stupid and lazy to kill with a butter knife or make a real weapon. What you DON’T want to do is make them perfect killing machines and distrubte 1 per capita. What else besides these events would happen?

Fair enough. What really surprises me about this overall scenario is how much more damage these two had the potential to cause. I think they must have been sidetracked by some degree of personal motive.

i think at this point PA is trolling yall

of course he is, that’s what he does

Agree. I think they were planning something much different and the husband got pissed off at someone at the party and decided it was go time. They had obviously spent a lot of time preparing for something, so the fact that they seemed totally unsure what to do after the attack suggests to me that it was not really part of their original plan.

I suppose we could just have irrational arguments like yours that ignore relevant statistics.

^ Correct solutions to problems are not “irrational arguments”.

Americans will never figure out their gun problem. But the fun thing about this stupidity is that they may have figured out their Trump problem! Republicans, democrats, the media, everyone ganging up on him…it was only a matter of time before he nuked himself.

So when are you going to present these correct solutions?

PA is running a on a tangent that allows him to bash americans, ignore him.

It’s not like the millionth time someone smart points out the solution Merikans are suddenly going to get it. I think your president has been repeating it on infinite loop…