Stanford Case

Surprised this hasn’t been posted already, Rahul must not have wanted to out himself.

Am I crazy or is the outrage excessive?

I’ve been afraid to really comment on this event because of the degree of condemnation going around the internet. I look at the case as somewhat less clear cut. The facts as they’re presented are along the lines of 1) he’s 20 and had a BAC twice the legal limit 2) she was 22 with a BAC three times the legal limit 3) they were seen at the party together kissing and later leaving together (he alleges holding hands) 4) they were found with him appearing to have sex with her and 5) she did not wake up until about 3 hours later. He alleges that she consented but there are no other facts, she has no memory of it and his version is obviously suspect. I think it’s safe to assume that she lost consciousness at least 10 minutes before the bike riders showed up which would justify a *circumstantially based* guilty verdict but leave a degree of uncertainty given that there is no hard evidence or reliable accounts of what happened and he is innocent until proven guilty. Where I guess I start to differ is that I don’t view him as the evil entitled predator that he is being cast as, but as someone who made a terrible decision under unclear circumstances. It is true that I’ve been drunk and never committed this crime so it’s tough to completely empathize. But using the facts at hand it is clear that he was very drunk as well and young and possibly confused by the signals he was given and what if any consent was given leading up to the crime. Given the lack of clear cut evidence and the amount of destruction that has been cast on both of their lives I don’t believe the sentencing itself is as shamefully light as people make it out to be. I believe more needs to be done to raise these boys to be better. At the same time, I know that as unfashionable as it may be I will raise my daughter to take personal responsibility for her own safety. Drinking at a frat party until your BAC is three times the legal limit and you black out for a period of at least three hours on the property was a terrible decision and irresponsible regardless of your gender. It also seems strange that if she hopped into a car and ran over a family she would hold total responsibility for her actions but as it stands holds none. In summary, was it rape? Based on the evidence, yes. He should be punished (and he is being punished both legally and by society). But I am stopping short of calling him a monster and grabbing a pitchfork.

Wait, did you just admit you’ve been drunk and raped girl who had blacked out?

No no no. VERY bad typo, fixed. I thought you were messing with me at first. I meant NEVER committed.

yeah, this is defninitely in the grey zone. while i do agree that steps have to be taken to mitigate this type of behaviour, i dont think that the current way of thinking that if both students are drunk, it’s still rape by the guy and that consent is decided solely by the girl and you pretty much have to confirm consent at every stage of the encounter otherwise you’re going to jail.

I agree that they both made poor choices. i don’t think that the ‘guilty until proven innocent’ is an appropriate way to deal with these situations.

This past season of south park brought this type of situation up - they just had everyone sign consent forms before engaging in the act. after reading about stories from both sides, i dont think that would be a bad idea.

apparently she was unconscious the whole time and the guy admitted to it. inexcusable.

I was wondering when rahul, er someone would post this.

Anyway, it’s basically been established by the jury that he raped the girl. When you have dragged someone behind the dumpster and are raping their unconscious body, then run away when confronted (did he zip up first?), I think there is not much room for interpretation there.

The girl made some bad choices, but that does not excuse the guy from being a raper… If you come across a non responsive woman under any circumstances, I don’t think taking out your dick is the right response.

The internet outlash is because he was only sentenced to 6 months in county jail. The judge blatantly let him off easy because he was a Stanford student and athlete, and the judge didn’t want to “affect his future”. In other words, the law applies differently to him because he is well educated, rich, white, or whatever you want to call it.

Nobody knows that he dragged her there. By his account (the only one we have) they were making out back there (at which point she presumably blacked out) and keep in mind he was nearly equally drunk. I’m also not necessarily questioning the guilty verdict, I guess I was more taking issue with the widespread hate and calls for harsher sentencing.

Who knows, maybe I’m over complicating it.

once she blacks out, there is no grey zone BS. His pimple face is a rapist.

Yeah, that makes you look pretty guilty.

Its hard to say exactly what happened, but if 2 guys noticed what was going on and felt uncomfortable enough to chase the guy and tackle him, I think that makes it look pretty bad. I have def seen people having sex randomly at a park and havent felt like there was any threat to the person.

I never said he wasn’t. The only thing I was questioning was the circumstances and whether calls for a harsher punishment were necessary.

Also, I’m very open to the fact that I could be way off base on this one and everyone else could be right, it was just something that I got to thinking about.

Maybe that was your subconscious mind telling you that you in fact did commit this crime, you were just too drunk to remember and no one ever found out or reported it. scary thought, you could be a sexual predator and live your whole life not consciously knowing it.

Is this new? If so, I’m switching my stance.

hard to find where they describe the events and not the reaction to the sentencing

That’s a very good point I hadn’t thought about.

Certainly the times I’ve had sex in public places, I had never even considered running away and leaving my partner when people show up or look like they are about to show up. Run away together, of course… leave her, no.

I didn’t see any part where he admitted he knew she was passed out. I just found a timeline from the case saying she was making phone calls almost exactly 20 minutes before she was found which helps on the timeline.

Regardless, I’m surrendering my stance on this one. Evidence is damning enough with good points made.

Yeah the guily has already been established. The question is why his sentence was so lenient. If he was a black male from East Palo Alto who had wandered onto campus, he probably would have gotten 5-10 years. I understand the judge’s logic - it’s better to have high capacity individuals work, pay taxes, etc., as opposed to just sitting in jail. But raping is raping.

if one consents when conscious and subsequently goes unconscious, is consent still valid?

nope. that’s where it gets tricky

I don’t think so. Conversly, at least in PA if someone is choking and you need consent to assist them, once they pass out you have implied consent to assist.