Stanford Case

Probably depends. I doubt my gf would care if I wanted a little if she were blacked out and half passed out (although I am not exactly sure why one would want to have sex with a limp corpse) but I certainly wouldnt do anything without prior consent.

I think consent goes out the window in a situation like that. A normal persona chalks up the L at that point, makes sure she gets home safe and hopes she remembers what a wonderful young man you are for helping her when she was a mess.

i think the way it is on college campuses is that if a female consents while under the influence, the consent is not valid since it did not occur in a clear state of mind

Of course not. How is that even a question??

@bigcheese fo real? you gotta carry a breathalizer at all times?

i like ohai idea that video taping should be required then

Nothing tricky about not touching an unconscious person. Common sense in fact

I’ve heard that as well.

^yeah, i read it in this book

next question: if the act officially begins and then she goes unconscious, can he finish?

In established relationships, I’ve heard of situations where a partner might fall asleep while having sex (usually the woman, I’d think). I don’t think that’s automatically rape if you have an ongoing relationship that is sexual and a partner is willing but simply tired, but I guess if the guy continues, it is her option to call it so when she wakes up. That’s presumably the right attitude, since the “unconscious means no consent” rule is primarily to protect people who would not obviously given consent if they had been conscious (e.g. drunk and passed out strangers, people in comas, etc.)

I agree with Yaywork that the appeal of sex with a limp corpse is lost on me. Most of my enjoyment comes out of the thrill of engaging and acting on consent with a partner. Otherwise, I’d rather just fap.

Still, when it comes to sex, there’s no shortage of people who are into stuff that seems strange to me.

I was referring to it from a legal point of view. I’m not saying that it gets tricky when you’re the one dealing with someone that’s unconscious

I read that as you are given consent, and then they lose consciousness while you choke them as part of the consensual act. In this case, I am guessing the consent is still valid, but who knows.

Would it be legal for you to sign a contract while unconscious? I would imagine any lawyer worth his weight in ritz crackers could get that thrown out

if you initially signed a contract while conscious and then proceeded to be unconscious for half of the act that you initially agreed to by signing the contract, what would your lawyer do? what would the defence lawyer do?

that’s where im saying its a grey area. one person can claim the other was conscious vs the other saying they were not. I’m not suggesting that anyone engaging in those types of acts while a person is unconscious is a good thing

My gf read me parts of the victim’s letter last night and i was apalled, so much that I hoped her bf would create his own form of justice outside the court.

Then, this morning, i read the case details and thought back to my college days and thought perhaps this initial outrage is uncalled for.

It was probably pitch black by the dumpster and, given he was 3x the limit, he probably had no feeling left or true capacity to think. Therefore, the fact that he says he didnt know she was uncouscious may in fact be truthful. Did she consent prior, we do not know. The question at hand is, is 6 months for this act called for or was it simply a sentance of white privilege.

What do you guys do if you are her bf? Stay with her or label her a cheater?

this guy should be deported.

@ WYG, she’s a cheater for sure. Drunken mistakes are not uncommon at a young age though, so the BF shouldn’t automatically ditch her.

I’m sure 6 months in jail won’t be much fun, but certainly could have been more. TBH, I think being a registered sex offender for the remainder of your days may be the more serious punishment.

^ I’ve not paid much attention to the case, or the discussion here, but being a registered sex offender is pretty significant. Not saying it’s too much or too little, but it’s a big deal.


Did he do more than digitally penetrate her? Read the letter. Not clear. Probably freaked when he noticed she passed out and realized how bad it looked. He was hammered too. 99% chance it was consensual while she was concious. I’ve been around women that passed out. I had no idea they were that drunk until they went limp.