Riddle #3

I state a scenario and a question, you guys can ask yes/no questions in order to ascertain the answer to the question. Here we go…

Five men were proceeding together down a country path. It began to rain. Four of the men quickened their step and began to walk faster. The fifth man made no effort to move any faster. However, he remained dry and the other four got wet. They all arrived at their destination together. How could this be so?

Edit: Since Black Swan solved that so quickly, here’s an alternative:

A man lives in the penthouse of an apartment building. Every morning he takes the elevator down to the lobby and leaves the building. Upon his return, however, he can only travel halfway up in the lift and has to walk the rest of the way - unless it’s raining. What is the explanation for this?

Is it a funeral procession?

I’ve not seen this one before. Were the 4 men carrying the other man in a covered litter?

Black swan: Yes, it is. Well done. New record.

I feel like I’ve finally reached Bradley Cooper status in Limitless.

Also, I’d never heard it before and didn’t google. This one was as bit easier though.

You’ve peaked. Its all downhill from here.

New riddle at the top.

Is the lift powered by the falling rain?

Higgmond: No.

Is the lobby on the ground floor?


Are there entrances on different floors?

Entrances to what? The lobby? His apartment? Not sure if I understand the question.

going back to the funeral riddle, why was it 5 men and not 7?

Maybe the dead guy was a dwarf so he only needed 4 pallbearers instead of the typical 6.

Could’ve been either.

what is a lift?

which part pertains to “raining”

the stairs are on the outside of the building and he tries to get his steps in at the end of the day but skips it when its raining?


“raining” pertains to what is going on outside of the apartment

Is it a normal residential building elevator, or specialized elevator, like window cleaning, ski lift, or something else?