So which chick would you choose?

I had a pretty legendary weekend met too many hot chicks. But three stand out because they are really hot and they had amazing stories.

So 1st one is this super fit rich Persian chick who owns a catering business. Drives a bomb ass Lexus. And hosts parties at the clubs I go. The biggest issue is she is not college educated. She reminds me of my buddy. And she wants a manly man which is definitely not me. And her fitness and arm tattoos slightly scare me.

2nd one is the nice cheerleading blonde who is a soon to be singer in the voice who works in the fashion industry as a buyer. Biggest issue is she doesn’t really grind well and not down for slutty things. Comes of as a snoby and is prolly expensive to entertain.

3rd is this pale skinny mexican chick with slightly reddish hair. Weird I know. She’s ambitious, educated, and young. Just graduated with honors in sociology at ucla with a 3.6. Wants to attend Harvard law school. Currently plans to take a year off. Her biggest issue is she only has a work permit and she doesn’t come off to me as rich since she had to work at a wedding place while in school.

anyways who would you choose?

on a side note I also saw my ex co worker little sister who just got engaged. I did a snap with her and my co worker is furiousssss. Hahahhaha. I didn’t even touch her though and she came to me. But I always used to joke about introducing me to her sister cuz I saw pics and she was banging hot. And she thought it was a great idea at first until she realized that I’m a dog. But I’m on good terms with the ex co worker even though she left us with only two weeks notice for Jpm. I had lunch with her just this past Friday.

probably #1

#1 short-term

#3 potential long-term

#2 will bleed you dry

So, 1 and 3 at the same time.

I want your momma nerdy blip

Too many words, not enough (or any) pictures. This exercise is invalid.

#1 without question. too bad you prolly don’t measure up.

Are you picking a business partner or hiring a secretary?

None of the above.

#1 The combination of entertaining in the club scene (superficial + high levels of competition), no education (boring convos) and prefering manly men will make this a short term deal at best. Also, gym bros in girl bodies working on their aesthetic tend to gravitate towards having a masculine physique over time. All of this is fine for a short term fling, if that’s what we’re asking, in which case make this my choice. Just not long term anything.

#2 Could wind up being a real catch if she’s just a good girl with some character and a head on her shoulders, but is more likely just a pain in the ass (and potentially expensive). Plus, in the event she is a real catch, she’d have no interest in a self proclaimed dog so there’s no future short or long term here.

#3 Will bleed you f*cking dry. Sociology, wants to take year off, then talking about a top tier law school she hasn’t even been accepted to (with a 3.6 no less, LMAO)? This girl has her head in the clouds, strikes me as your typical clueless fake science major and will stick you with a MOUNTAIN of student debt if this goes long term while constantly whining about her desire to quit her job that’s causing her stress and just pursue her passion to be a photographer. Sorry, seen this one play out too many times.

On an unrelated note, I was volunteering at a regatta today for my rowing club and saw some college women’s club’s competing. A few real gems there in that squat heavy sport.

add me on snapchat, neryblop. trust me its worth it, i’m like nick cannon: i got jokes. plus im going to vegas mem weekend at the PALAZZZOOOOO. hmu if ur going.

to clarify on discussion, lets talk long term like marriage with the assumption i have a chance with all 3 and the assumption that they are all perfect substitutes in terms of attractiveness. let me add some further color to bs as well as bold the most imp parts.

1. fit, rich, no college degree. she’s actually really fun to talk to, not boring. we like the same shit. the night i met her she friend zoned a close friend of hers who tried to put the moves so she was pretty depressed anyways i swooped on it and hung out with her the entire night. anyways end of the night she invited my to a strip club. i kid you not. anyways she is the definition of hcb.

2. singer, creative, expensive. she reminds me of my sister. smart but talks very ditzy. and they prolly talk this way cuz they both went to fidm. i would say this chick is the most boring cuz all we were talking about was the voice. my wingman for the occasion was actually a youtube singer so it made it 3x more annoying. anyways the key here is she is talented, and is famous. i would say its like tantamount to dating a chick in miss usa or something , shes like a trophy wife.

3. smart, ambitious, poor. she reminds me of the co worker who just left us but hot. and a 3.6 at ucla is cum laude. prolly top 10% of the class of a top school in the world. it aint some random unknown college with grade inflation. met her just outside the club. my crew of 4 and her 4 friends. we like hung out till 330 am. we had some deep ass convos on exactly what ur talking about bs. prestige vs opp costs. as well as some more serious crap. etc etc. bottom line the chick is deep, shit that would get into harvard.

now choose!!!

  1. fuck, 2. kill, 3. marry

That’s that game we are playing right? Or did I miss something?

Lol. TL,DR; I stand by my assessment but downgrade #2.

#1 If a tree falls in the woods and nobody’s there does it make a sound? Would two superficial people into the club scene know if their conversation is boring?

#2 Ah, the old “aspiring singer”. Where do you find these people? Post a link since she’s “famous” and we can put this one to rest.

#3 RE: Deep convo, see #1. “We had a deep ass convos… met her outside the club,” I actually laughed. Also, if you seriously think a 3.6 from any school gets you into Harvard Law without extraneous circumstances (especially sociology major) you’re delusional. Recognize that the GPA for the 50th percentile of first year students is still a 3.9 and that’s before we start factoring in the sob stories of the bottom 25th percentile which is STILL a 3.7. Reality sucks, huh. You’re right though, I’m sure she’s an automatic because she went to a sociology program ranked #13 in the country and did above average. What’s the opposite of “real know real,” as they say in the clubs?

I think what annoys me here is that at least ASSet_MANagement had the general decency / balls to back up his brags with pictures. All we’re left with are the incoherent ramblings of a message board superstar fed by his own delusions.

None of the above

allright bs im sorry, the intent was not to annoy you though. it was just an awesome weekend so i wanted to share/brag. just a lil excited for vegas in all honesty.

All of them… btw, who cares if they are rich

It’s cool, I was being a douche. Case of the Monday’s.

I’ll be following the Vegas Snapchats. I’ll report back to the forum haha

#1 sounds more fun. #2 and #3 sound like cash drain and whole lot of entitlement.

Why did number 3 make me instantly think of Canelo?

3 Nery. If she’s smart and ambitious, then she won’t be poor forever.