Poll on cursing in the forum/censoring

Should we ban everyone who uses bold letters to get around the censoring, IE from shit to ****

Edit: Some fucking mod keeps unhighlighting my fucking letters!

I disagree. Can I lock this now?

Edit: This belongs in the Feedback Forum



No, but we should ban anyone who suggests banning anyone for gaming the profanity filter.

I think that we should complain about the profanity filter putting an asterisk in place of the space _ before _ the profanity.

Schlocky programming.

Cursing isn’t against my religion

We are all adults.

Its the watercooler

i have this tattooed on my forearm

on my other arm it says ‘no regerts’

I knew I should have written the word on paper

If we’re all adults, then why can’t you use apostrophes where they belong?


That is by far the most annoying part of it all. Makes everything hard to read.

Yeah, I definitely fucking agree

Phew, good thing I didn’t suggest that and only asked for opinions.

What about the word buttocks ? Can I say buttocks

Guys, censoring is real fucking shit to the nth fucking percent. One cannot walk a single fucking damn step in this life without all his shit being fucking censored like a beginner fucking ass clown fucking his way through life with all his shit mixed up not saying a fucking thing.

So are we forced to fucking say not one shitty little word or should we conform to every fucking rule that arises to be another fucking brick in the wall like a little shit that did nothing with its life but conform to the fucking standards of the shitty fucking censored world.

We’re grown ass men.

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I don’t mind cursing. It’s pretty innocent in English anyway

Not necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with you, but I must admit that as a practicing Christian, it is disappointing to see you post something like this after you post several “I love God and Jesus” -type posts. Heck, your handle is even a Bible verse.

Here’s a Bible verse for you: Joshua 24:15.

And for the record, while I don’t consider myself a saint, I try not to cuss. Not online, not in the office, not at home, not ever. I think that if there are 800,000 words in the English language and about a dozen of them are offensive, surely I can find a way to use the other 799,988.

As a Scot I feel that the swear word filter is discriminatory.