Elizabeth Warren confirms...

That she is either 1/32 or 1/512 native American.

Pathetic attempt to prove “intersectionality” or some other lib nonsense. Pretty sure as a white guy I would have more african DNA than she has indian blood. Does she thinkbthis helps? Clearly the Donald got under her skin.


According to 23andMe, I am 1/256 oppossum. This explains my many talents, like pretending to be asleep when my wife wants me to do chores. When I found out, I celebrated by hanging on the playground jungle gym for 45 minutes. It’s easy to push little kids off, as they are small and don’t have much grip strength. I knew I was a special minority and this explains it.

all im saying is id rather be taken over by america than china. those foos be racist.

One thing is 50+ years ago vs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang_reeducation_camps happening today.

Curious if the Don is going to pony up the 1mm to charity he promised Warren if she took the test.

He should, would be classic.

Does 1/32nd even count? And if so does it refute libs claims about systematic oppression?

If I have more african DNA, as we probably all do, than she has indian, can I call myself black? If not, can I simply identify as black anyway?

These are all very important questions.

I recently dated a. Chinese Indonesian, which is the wealthy minority in Indonesia. It is amazing how it flies under the radar. I didn’t realize how big it was. Also life as a wealthy person in Indonesia sounds quite nice, minus the traffic

Lmao. Sounds legit! If you can go from possum (do you prefer possum or opossum…or Possumerican?) to Charterholder in only 9 generations, there is hope for all mankind.

Don’t try to apply logic to these types of dilemmas. There has never been, nor will there ever be, any coherence in identity politics.


Possum and Opossum are different, unrelated animals. To summarize:

Opossum = American version. Pretends to be dead. Badass, possibly rabid. Sometimes called “possum”. I find it offensive that people our using Our word.

Possum = Australian, hacksaw non-US version. Doesn’t “play possum”. Kind of derpy.

Your ancestors have a beautiful culture!

the north america honey badger?

warren isn’t actually going to be the Dem candidate in 2020 is she? even up here in the great white north she’s seen as headmaster of the loony bin. that would be an excellent way of solidifying a second term for the donald methinks.

We can dream, cant we?

And you can be prickly when people don’t agree with you.

Ugh, I have to agree with Cod and AD? Twist. Identity politics is base and weak and tears at the fabric of any concept of nation. But sadly it is the natural destination for liberals and their never ending self-loathing. But just to keep it real for my usual nemesis on this board, Trump and his minions are just as bad if not worse.

I’m loving watching the left spin this - which I thought would be an absolute diaster to the midterm elections and raise major concerns against the merits of affirmative action (gl to my asian friends battling for equality). The article below is the top google search for Warren DNA test - I think the title “Elizabeth Warren releases DNA test with ‘strong evident’ of Native American Ancestry” speaks for itself. Btw - the accurate percent is anywhere between 1/64 to 1/1000. To put things in perspective, my 23andme showed I was 8% black and even higher Nordic (thank you Mores & vikings for literally rape/pillaging my people).


Warren doesn’t claim that she’s full blown native american, just that it’s part of her family’s history (which it is). She doesn’t claim any special powers as a result of it, and she didn’t use it to get into school. It didn’t help her get a job at harvard/upenn or get her into school https://www.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/2018/09/01/did-claiming-native-american-heritage-actually-help-elizabeth-warren-get-ahead-but-complicated/wUZZcrKKEOUv5Spnb7IO0K/story.html

Harvard used it for their advantage, but she didn’t control that.

Why is it even relevant to anything? Lefties are so obsessed with race… weird