Migrant Caravan

How do y’all think this is going to play out?

I’m very curious how the logistics work, where’s the food, water, and other essential good and services coming from to support 4,000+ people?

Build the wall

It is almost as if that mass of people are being sponsored to lobby for the wall construction

Well at least we have a large and willing work force to build the wall now. Win win


Image result for trump wall

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Christian fascists, led by a fully armed Jesus Christ will mow them down the second they get within 300 yards of the white picket fence. Just like our comrades in Israel do to the Palestinians who fly arson kites into Zion.

Soros, then once they get to the states they can collect on federal aid and other tax payer funded programs. Gotta import those votes.

I lol’d at this one. Good job, BS.

hope this does turn to another oregon trail!

The irony of NPC’s borrowing ideas and just changing a few words to protest claims they lack independent thought is great. A+

Sometimes people just do your work for you.


“At this point, anyone who still believes either party actually represents their interests is an NPC. No matter what happens in the midterm elections (traditionally a retaking of the House by Democrats and possible gains in the Senate as well, but given Democrats’ fondness for failure lately who knows) the only real winners will be the plutocratic class which holds all the cards and controls all the outcomes regardless of which party is in power. I’m not telling people that voting necessarily makes no difference or that it’s something they should avoid, but I am saying that no real change will come to America until Americans uproot the two-headed one-party system of the oligarchy and replace it with something that serves them.”

I agree with you.

That said, forgetting parties for a minute, the whole liberal platform of X disagrees, X is racist is still NPC.

I also want ongoing tariffs to balance the litany of trade abuses China has been getting away with for the past two decades. I don’t care who does it. If the Dem’s said, “I’m going to annoy you in every way possible but will support ongoing trade action” I’d support them too. I mean to your original point, I don’t vote, but still.

If you’re analogizing the migrant caravan to Palestinians you’re more brainwashed than Turd.

Palestenians conduct act if terrors. Migrants just fleeing. No comparison whatsoever

well talk about hyperbole