
How in the hell do you guys handle to work in finance and not drink every single day?

I don’t think I haven’t ‘not’ drank a single day of the week since before November.

I don’t drink every day because my body can no longer outprocess all of the calories like it used to. I’d rather budget it to actual food at this point. When I do drink, however, it’s typically 10-15 drinks followed by a real stupid late-night eating decision, and the scale reminds me of this stupidity for about 2 days after until I mean revert. So, yeah, that’s how I don’t drink every day.

Just drink single whiskeys with water. You can have around 5/6 singles and stay hydrated and be fine. The late night and lack of sleep is more of the problem.

you realize that’s all water weight you gained right?

If you drink 2 beers, that’s like 400 calories. Maybe it’s not a lot for the typical 6’ 5" 250lb muscle AF subscriber, but for a lot of people, that can add up if consumed regularly. Why are you going out so much anyway? Is this a sales thing?

Are you out drinking or drinking alone?

A distinction without a difference for those of us who are committed to our drinking game.

People still drink?

The key to managing your drinking is to stay hydrated. I will drink a G2 Gatorade throughout the night so its finished by morning. Pop a few aspirin, have some sexy time (or manual if unavailable - I recommend in the shower) good breakfast and your good to go for the day.

I think I’m in sales because I drink.

And, Mike, don’t take aspirin when drinking. Really hard on your stomach. And Tylenol is really bad for your liver. Advil is the way to go.

I like how the Brit’s answer is “Just drink 5-6 whiskeys a day, you’ll be fine.” Also, got the “e” in there…Irish?

surprised these high level feenance guys cant figure out how to drink properly.

hydrate with a water every few drinks and if you had too much drink a pedialyte when you get home

mix it with lean molly and percocetttttt


If 3,500 calories of drinks plus another 2,000 calories of some late night fat bomb is only water weight, shoot, perhaps I should drink more.

On the other hand, how old are you? Like 28 or 29? Give it a few years and let me know how your metabolism evolves.

Duly noted.

I mean, your metabolism slowing down is kind of BS - there’s a lot of research studies out there to help show just how flawed the normal westernized idea of “I’m old, I can’t eat like this anymore” is total BS.

26 or 62, if your diet is in check the other 6 days of the week, your body is going to crap out all that excess food it doesn’t need.

That being said I’m 26.

Stopped drinking 10 years ago.

I stopped on Xmas, I feel no better or worse so I’m going to keep it up.

It is total BS until it isn’t. Of course, it’s true there are things you can do to stem the damage. But it takes twice the effort (it’s just physiology, man) so in the daily tradeoff of kids, family, BSD job, etc., it’s harder to ensure those things get done to stem the damage.

If you get older and have 15 hours a week to go to the gym, that’s awesome. But you may find yourself the kind of person that has a lower shot at doing $10K/day if you’re that person. Maybe not, though. I don’t know. Maybe you are the outlier here that can beat all odds. As is the case with most of the overconfident denizens of Lake Wobegon that tend to post here.