ISIS bride begging to return to US

American born teen (19 years old) leaves US to join ISIS in Syria for 3 years. Says she’s changed and wants to return to US. Trump wants her to return to face punishment. She thinks therapy would be a good measure. What say the group?

Treason, give her the chair!

probably will end up a future democrat presidential candidate though, very sad.

Give her a methadone therapy. Maybe could help.

under legal code:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding anyofficeunder the United States.

imo it should be based on what she did. if she killed people or just supported them. in any case, she shouldnt even be allowed back. only cucks give people second chances.


In case y’all forgot who created ISIS

Don’t be punitive, what 19 year old girl hasn’t gone through a rebellious dating bad guys stage?

I wonder if all the pro-Trumpers would change their mind if she was blue-eyed, blond haired, and white.

I hope she is able to return to the states with appropriate vetting.

Wouldn’t be hard for Trump to take her back in and spin this in a “See, I told you America is the greatest country on the planet” sort of way.

That’s dumb. Trump supporters, many of them served against organizations like ISIS and this has nothing to do with appearance. All joking aside, just no. I know you’re young and probably don’t realize the depths of the situation back then, but she has no place being back here. Like heeding the call to leave the US and fight for the Nazis in WWII, you’re not coming back to the US.

She became an ISIS fighter? Or just married one.

In my opinion, Trump should hire her as an anti-ISIS spokesperson. It’s not like early 20s single mom without college education has anything better to do.

She would likely vote for Trump on the next elections.

She may be compromised so we should execute her.

She was present and complicit in executions by her account and who knows what she really did besides swear allegiance and join a terrorist organization while aiding and abetting.

which is worse? a traitor or a rapist?

Well, I always believe in making the best of the situation. I don’t really care about the fate of some 19-year-old dumbass chick who somehow thought that it was a good idea to join ISIS. However, since she can be used to promote some good cause, I don’t see why we wouldn’t use that. It’s better than paying prison costs for years to lock her up or something.

Thank god President Trump won. Obama or Crooked Hillary would exchange 5 terrorist and a pallet of cash for her return.

Sure, if she was effective maybe. But watch her interview, it was pathetic, she’s not convincing anybody of anything. Anyway, no promotion necessary, the isis thing is over, they are crushed. At this point let her be a deterrent to other idiots through lack of forgiveness and punishment. She can promote the cause that way. Nobody needs marketing to be convinced not to join a collapsed organization.

Besides she could really advocate against ISIS a lot better from her new home in the Turkey refugee camp! Now that would be making the most of a bad situation for this 19-year-old dumbass chick. Plus we aren’t paying prison costs…

Being a traitor that married a rapist?

lol tbh shed prolly prefer a us prison than her current situation in shit country.

let her reap what she sow and wallow in abject failure.